Has SUP's impacted you surf experience ?

"People are starting to whine because they are taking up a lot of space and kooks are now masters of the line-up.

It wouldn’t be a problem at all if some of the riders weren’t out on the best days taking the best waves at the best spots".

LOL. This is how its been with shortboarders talking about longboarders in my locale for a long time. It will be interesting to see if there’s a change in the pecking order. I might add I’m about to go and test ride a couple of different longboards this morning, so I’m a bit behind the times.


"People are starting to whine because they are taking up a lot of space and kooks are now masters of the line-up.

It wouldn’t be a problem at all if some of the riders weren’t out on the best days taking the best waves at the best spots".

LOL. This is how its been with shortboarders talking about longboarders in my locale for a long time. It will be interesting to see if there’s a change in the pecking order. I might add I’m about to go and test ride a couple of different longboards this morning, so I’m a bit behind the times.

Any ya know thats why it doesn’t rub me wrong too hard. It’s hilarious to see the wave hog longboarders whine and cry. The SUP guys are like medicine for the longboarders.

Besides I’ve decided that the SUP riders will make an absolute perfect white water coping at the top of the wave to smack and bank off of, you just have to watch when they cut back.

coming soon to a lineup near you…

a SUP’rs worse nightmare

“on your left”

now this takes talent…

But a pretty common sight outside the elks club or the outrigger canoe club next to waikiki…

I think to have a friend on a SUP or the guy above blocking for you on you shortboard at your favorite lineup would be fun if you could make it out of the lineup and home unscathed…

to me anythings better than some stinky jetskier popping waves 20 feet from you and destroying the lineup… We get plenty of that when I surf cause they know it’s too far for the cops or coast guard to come before they can split…

I will say, SUPing has definetly affected my surfing. I think that enjoy surfing now more than I did before, which was a heck of a lot. The SUP craze will take over soon, and yes there will be fools, but to me the person having the most fun will likely stand out or up! I haven’t had any problems here in NE FL. Most are interested. I try and stay away from the large crowds, its just so much fun to cruise from one break to the next, surfing my way up and down the beach. I haven’t been on my SUP in a while, but the next small glassy day that comes my way, I will be out gliding!



We have only one guy in town with one, and he scares the crap out of everybody in the line up when he paddles out . Most of our waves are alittle too short and sharp for his experience in riding said craft. It seems to be point and go and look out if you’re in his way.

But he is a genuinely nice bloke and doesn’t take everything that comes through.
