Has SUP's impacted you surf experience ?

With all those SUP’s appearing. I was wondering if there are any issues in the water at you local break ?

I recognise that you still have the same number of surfers in the water and that wave grabbers will always be wave grabbers no matter what they ride.

But boards and paddles that size flying through busy lineups.

Is it all good ?

The SUP riders are multiplying here. People are starting to whine because they are taking up alot of space and kooks are now masters of the line-up.

It wouldn’t be a problem at all if some of the riders weren’t out on the best days taking the best waves at the best spots.

I heard an interesting comment last winter. One guy told me that the SUP riders were no different than a guy on a jetski riding waves with regular surfers, just slower and way more quiet.

I think that it’s all good as long as your not being a complete wave hog, because then it’s not what your riding that bugs me it’s the attitude.

But to answer your question, yes it has impacted my surf experience. Now I can’t wait to make one for myself. My plan is to give it a pirate motif. When I get roasted by some inconsiderate SUP’er I’ll paddle back out with my own ship and do battle, like a proper pirate, argh matey!

Never seen one in belgium or france :slight_smile:

None in France??? Man, you didn’t look in the right places, I’m afraid…

Yep, seen many in France in Lacanau and various basque spots such as in Guethary or Biarritz.



run rampant

missing the point

causing impact?

rether than going where

no man has gone before.

forgive them they Know not what they do.

do, DO


stand tall before the canyon walls

and cliffs where the sounds

of laping water echos in the silence


stand tall before the canyon walls

and cliffs where the sounds

of laping water echos in the silence

From Paul Ambrose SIMON, “The sounds of (laping water echos in the) silence”…

That’s a big yes for me and now I do nothing else but SUP surf. Waves are still here on the NS so I’m going to go surf and respond to this after I slide into a few… In the mean time this is from my site… http://www.paddlesurfhawaii.com/default.asp?doctype=mm&C_ID=129




None in France??? Man, you didn’t look in the right places, I’m afraid…

I’ve never been so shoulder hopped in all my life. They don’t seem to take turns either, just go!

SUP surfers are going to be showing up everywhere because its so fun. The problem is some people lack basic common sense and are greedy.

Bottom line is this… An SUP board will make you more of what you are.

If you are a giving type person you will give plenty waves and learn how to surf with others and you will not have any problems… You will recognize your true abilities. If you are dangerous you will surf away from others… You actually care about others in the water… The cool ones anyway!

If you are a kook to begin with then you will be even more of a dangerous kook. We see these types already in the lineup being stupid and dangerous. Give them an SUP board and voila… Huge Kook.

If you are a greedy, wave hog, you will become the biggest, greediest pig on your coast.

There will be so many SUP surfers coming up it will be an issue EVERYWHERE. What do we do? I have some possible solutions but I’m so freaking hungry after SUP surfing and my beach run… Coffee, breakfast and be back later…



Not too many SUPS here (yet), and mostly not Kooks. They will need to police themselves around the lineup or there could be some friction.

Have they impacted my surf experience? You bet! I’ve had more FUN (which it’s all about, isn’t it) surfing in the past year since I got my SUP than ever before. It’s gotten me in better shape than ever (surfing all winter without getting cold) and improved my shortboard and longboard surfing, which I still do according to conditions. All without barging into any crowded lineups. In the much less than perfect east coast surf I’m blessed with the SUP is sometimes simply the best (most fun) tool for the job.

It’s also been great fun brainstorming and riding new board designs created by my friend, shaper, epoxy wizard, and fellow Swaylockian David D.

                                                                                                                                     nuff said, Cheers,     Foamranger

Here in the Pacific NW, not too many SUP’s up here yet in our neck of the woods. Infact, If I could get my hand on some large pieces of foam, or a SUP blank I would actually have a couple boards going and contribute to that whole cause. Seems nobody can track a board down. Haha, and up here people are pulling out their old 80’s windsurf boards and stripping the hardware off and using those to SUP. Crazy!

Howzit burnsie, It’s not the SUP’s that are a problem, it’s the mindset of some of the riders. At Hanalei Bay the people who don’t respect other surfers are giving the rest of the SUP riders a bad name. I know of at least 1 shaper who refuses to shape them because of the hassling in the line up. Aloha,Kokua

They don’t allow SUP at Sano only down the beach. “State Park rules”. I have tried and i’ve surfed for a long time it’s HARD… I think the SUP market will go the same way as the custom Windsurfer “Popout”. Sweepers are here to stay…

Haven’t seen any down here yet, I’m assuming that with over head high waves at shifting beachbreaks without clearly defined channels, SUP boards aren’t going to get out the back, correct ?

We have had quite a few enquiries for SUP boards, I’m lukewarm about it because of the fact that a person can’t hold on to a paddle and a board at the same time .


There are only a couple of us at my local, mainly me. Nice 2nd qual point break with fat sections, easy paddle out.

Supa boards make 2ft waves look big at first, then you get the knack, 4ft waves can challenging, timing the takeoff can be hard.

Cross bump coming back at you from the reef is challenging, so is a lot of wind. I have a boat launch ramp as well to contend with, I thought it was hard with boatwake on a short or longboard but with supa boards just paddling out is a trial.

Fitness and balance have improved I feel 30 again, just an hour a day every day for a paddle and surf.

I ride my shorty if its pumping and early morning, then my longboard later when it gets crowded.

But generally supa boards are the best fun, and you don’t get the sitdown beer gut of resting surfers.

You must share waves.



Haven’t seen any down here yet, I’m assuming that with over head high waves at shifting beachbreaks without clearly defined channels, SUP boards aren’t going to get out the back, correct ?

Not so much. All assuming does is make an ass out of you and me. Timing and determination can put you anywhere you want to go.

We have had quite a few enquiries for SUP boards, I’m lukewarm about it because of the fact that a person can’t hold on to a paddle and a board at the same time .

Again, not so much.

Insert hand strap into the black plugs and feel free to turtle with reckless abandon. Most I know can still jam over shoulder high foam balls, but after that, its on to “alternative” thinking…


Sup has not made an impact yet, but it has my brain squirelling around ever since I saw some pics in the TSJ.

To SUP or not to SUP is the question.

I have a 12’ EPS blank heading my way…I was originally planning on a 12’ longboard…(The wave grabber) However the SUP thing looks inviting. There is only one SUP at my beach, and Brian is really cool about keeping to himself. He paddles five or six miles every morning if there isn’t any waves(the majority of the time in S. Carolina) Thinking of a cross over between the SUP and 12’ longboard…Any ideas? Has anybody went that route?

I may or may not be indecisive.


Thanks for the replies guys. I was not trying to stir it or anything, just curious.

I have a 12 ft old school windsurfer and i’ve been meaning to modify a kayak paddle to try it out.

Best waves here in months with offshore too.

Although its all beachies There were a couple of spots that a sup could be fun on which were cranking this morning. waves jacking up way out in the bay, not breaking but showing a good shape all the same.

Hey pbm-mako.

I have surfed Folly, My sister in law lives in Charleston. I might make it back over in a couple of years.