Hawaiian Style Cerrito’s College Open House

Hey, why don’t we have an EPS/Epoxy board building seminar here in Hawaii? With “Black Monday” and the unlikely ness of Hawaii receiving enough blanks to supply the short term needs, now is the time to promote alternatives. I think the two critical companies to make this happen would be Fiberglass Hawaii with their 2 to 1 epoxy products and Pacific Allied Products with their EPS blocks. I think this could even warrant government support in the form of a venue to hold the event like Honolulu Community College and advertising cost. We even have the expertise here in Hawaiian Swaylocks community to make this happen. Imagine pulling this off with just Hawaiian resources.

I am no EPS/Epoxy expert (I am an old school PU dog) but I would be willing to serve on any committee to make this happen in Hawaii. How do the other Hawaiians feel about this?




I’m willing to work on it with you but the holidays are the holidays you know…

My relatives own the tech school on Waikamilo by HCC I’ll give them a buzz…

CMP, Surflight/Aviso(Jim Richardson/Jeff Johnson), JJP should be involved along with you and manoa and JTroy and anyone else experienced at with the EPS/epoxy stuff.

PM me

For what my participation might be worth, count me in. My wife and mother-in-law both work at and for HCC, so we may be able to get a venue.

I think the epoxy “recipe” for making boards, from the Sways archives, ought to be smoothed out, reproduced and distributed. I’ve already taken a shot at it and have what I think is a reasonably flowing document.

I think the “new process” for making EPS boards should be made known, at first using techniques similar to “old style” shaping and glassing, then vacuum bag methods introduced. We need to cover materials, equipment, costs, availability, color, fin setting, strength, environmental and health hazards, things to avoid, common mistakes, critical issues… the list goes on. These various areas could be addressed by different persons depending on their preference, so as not to make it a “one man show”, to introduce variety, and the wealth of different techniques that are out there.

Charlie, 732-6770 evenings.

Honolulu & Oneula:

Email me at dvarde@verizon.net. I want to include you in my correspondence with Pacific

Allied Products and FGH. I will PM you later for other contact info. I want to make this happen. I will get in touch with Jon (Manoa). I spoke to an executive at PAP and will send him a short business plan and what we are requesting.

Let do this…

Hiki No!



Your comment about gov’t support, made me think of Fred Hemmings. Here’s a man with deep roots in our sport/industry, which was his launching pad to both local, and national attention. He might be able to make life easier for board builders in Hawai’i. Can’t hurt to see if some support can be provided through his office. Aloha.

ALL IN !!! oops I thought this was texas hold’em. Count me in. Great working with UncleD “Dennis”. I’ll email CMP (i work with the dude at our full-time job). There’s a local rep for resin research here in hawaii (Jtroy). My cousin can do some silk screen t-shirts if needed. Where and when are we looking for this to happen.

I can display my mint condition “very collectible” 10’1"Y clark blank (1st quality). :slight_smile:

can you imagine…

Aloha and A Hui Hou

Fred Hemmings is a great idea. More political help could probably be enlisted through Brian Schatz - state rep & very eco. PM me if you want his home phone #.

From my experience with Swaylock’s get togethers, all you really need to do is have someone name a time and place and people will come. Gatherings are greatly enhanced with a barbeque and soft drinks…and maybe a few beers.


I’ve getting so good responses from the Sways gang. I contacted Pacific Allied Products and emailed FGH. We will get together with the other Sways and come up with a solid game plan, divide the work and go for it. Thanks guys for the support thus far. Still more work ahead of us.