Ok – Here goes, and, by the way thanks for all the feedback.
By the way, the point, as most surmised, is to reduce chatter, and add some momentum…
I made an 8’ semi-gun 3” thick, with a serious tail kick @ 2’, to flat rocker w/V, and it thins out there, and gets narrow, and it rides so well, I plan on using some of that on this next one… Less kick (The 8’er, if I push the tail hard, snaps around like mad.), and continued rocker though the tail for more control.
Jay – I already have a block of 2#, and am keen on using it. Good point on experimenting, but my intentions were/are not that radical, actually trying to go the other way.
Chad – Did think the rocks may look cool, at least to me; knowing where they came from.
“Otay” – Sounds like more glass is the way to go.
Lee – True confession: Seriously thinking about trying my life jacket… Got towed one time, and it was kind of mellow – only 2xOH, thick beach break – but having that “tow life jacket,” I found myself just holding on to myself/the jacket, as I was concerned it may go up over my face, and just waiting to pop up, which happened relatively quickly, and I was always right side up! Ha! Not to mention, I saw an add in a long board mag once about a chest pad for paddling/back issues… I’ll let you know. Good point about the ding string too. But, on that one… “What are you gonna do?”
Charlie – Just saw the mag at a shop, saw the article, but didn’t have time to read – will do.
Kendall – I think you have hit the nail on the head – Save the fact I’m so cheap, I’d like to save resin, but then again, I’d use a lot of resin to set the stones anyway – So, I’m thinking of bumming a couple layers worth of 6oz off a friend who has a roll which has been collecting dust for the last five years, and putting that on the bottom; in addition to the previously mentioned glass schedule. I guess I could always and another layer or three anytime after that. I like the input about the even distribution of weight – the reason I was thinking about the even placement of the rocks.
Will – Never thought of that. Not only was your post good for a nice laugh, but good food for thought, although, at this point, I have no plans to take this board overseas.
After all this – I think I may stick one little rock on the deck just for the fun of it. But it will be much simpler to lay up a bunch more glass than custom setting 20-30 rocks.
As for the pics… I had a bad experience with my camera, software, etc. during my first Swaylocks endeavor, just over 4 years ago, and thus the Swayworld was deprived pictures of my 3-piece, flex tail, tri-plane hull board… But, as it’s said, “That’s another story.” Maybe I’ll try to work it all out again… If I wasn’t such a kook, only going online in my office… But I’m getting more hard core… I don’t even have to be here. Ha!
Thanks tons all -