Hello, I am a new member, and am 16. I also happen to want to learn how to make surfboards…Can anyone help me out or give me the basic idea/process behind making my own board? What kind of foams and materials are used? how much does one cost in materials? I would love to start doing such a fun looking passtime, not to mention getting to ride them! thanks a load…
This website http://surfersteve.com/introduction.htm will give you the basic idea. Once you get the concept you can search the archives hear or ask more specific questions on the forum.
ya thanks…I recently posted about making boards on another forum, but I havnt surfed yet, at all. So I am not sure when I will be starting, because I live about 3 hours from the beach, which is HORRIBLE! But do you guys think it is a mistake so start gathering information about making surfboards before I have ridden them? I am just wondering if Im not goin in the right order, although I am DYING to start surfing…Just got to let the parents let me go on my own, or let me rent and ride a board on our trips to the beach…but thanks a lot to everybody for the welcome and the construction manual Hicksy!
I am struggling thru building my first board, live 2 hours from the east coast, just took up surfing last year, and I’m 42…
Between the construction pdf and all the info/help you can find here, you can build a surfboard! I am building an EPS (Home Depot blank) board using epoxy using a design from that construction manual/pdf that you can find on this forum (go to the archives…). Its the 6’10" teardrop board.
Last night I just finished putting all the fiberglass on (lam) - 2 layers of 6oz on the bottom & 3 layers on the top. Did an “acid splash”, cutlap, built a wood fin, made some “logos”, going to use an leash loop… probably will do an epoxy pin line too… Just about eveything but the kitchen sink.
I was so nervous even starting this project, but when you read stuff like “symetrical is overrated”, “glass it, your kid will love it anyway”, I realized that I was going to make a surfboard, learn something in the process, and my kids would love it *assuming they can get their hands on it :>. I may never build another one, but I sure do appreciate (more then ever) the craftsmanship that went into my 10’ longboard build by a local shaper in VAB!
ya…thanks again…Im actually going to buy a surfboard blank, and build a few wakeboards and start designing testing those first, then after some experience with riding a surfboard starting on those…but Im just really wanting to start building this type of stuff! thanks again!