What are your recommendations for the fin placement, cant and toe-in for the following combination of variables ?
the board:
7.0 * 17 7/8 * 21/4 , Reverse VEE, tail is almost pin with a little swallow in it… wide point 2" forward, rocker: quite a bit, shaped for Australian waves… pointy nose, an all-over needle like board… thin rails…
the waves:
6-10 foot French waves on reefs and sand beaches
the fin system:
FCS - GPR Carbon, G_2, G-7…
the surfer:
158-162 lbs, ++12 years experience, owned and surfed 20 surfboards, very different shapes, very different surfing conditions up to 13 foot, guy is ini good condition, has good surfing ability, want to attack the waves with more aggression than before, the fin system feels very stiff…
from the plane of the bottom of the board and from the bottom contours gives different results…for a lot of vee it would change the angle by over 2 degrees. I recommend using the plane of the bottom, and not the shaped bottom.
either 1.5 or 1.25 will work, 1.25 is more standard, you will get a much bigger loss in performance if you go to 1 inch than if you go to 1.75 ie: a little too far out is worse than a little too far in.
there’s heaps in the archives on this too, although for some reason I couldn’t get the search to work yesterday…
Archive searches are good, but take ENORMOUS amounts of time. I thinks due to lack of specifications in the “subject” there there are heaps of pages to look at… before you get to the right one…
Since people, me included want things to go rather quickly and hate looking at screens, the archives ususally are second choice…I reckon this could be enhanced somehow, AS WELL as having a drawing tool on Swaylocks, words are so time consuming…
What do you reckon about the drawing tool? something simple…