Help, I glassed a board with hot coat...

Ok, So i hope i didn’t ruin a board by accidentally using poly resin that had been already mixed with styrene wax. I didn’t realise it until i noticed how quickly it cured and how easy it was to sand the laps down.

Does anyone know if I can throw the board away? Is it going to implode as soon as I start paddling on it? I obviously finished the whole thing but I’m not sure if it makes sense to sand it and surf it, can anybody please advise? Thanks a lot!

Well I’m sure you could throw it away if you wanted… if I were you I’d just sand the whole lam with 80 grit and hot coat as normal. Maybe a more experienced person can offer up some better advice

Thanks, that’s what I’m planning to do, I’m just really paranoid if it’s not going to be too weak…thanks anyway!

The fact that it had SA in the resin won’t mean squat as far as strength. If the batch went off fast it may be more brittle than a lam that kicked slowly, but otherwise there will be little difference. Your biggest issue will be getting subsequent batches of resin to adhere to the first one, unless you sand away most of the wax on the surface. Tricky move, as you’ll no doubt cut into the weave.
I would not throw it away, now that you’ve gotten this far.

Someone more knowledgeable should know 100% but I think the only issue you might have is that the hot coat won’t bond well with the lam. You could always do a little test patch somewhere on the board

Sweet! I have hotcoated it and it seems to be ok, I’ll sand it tomorrow and let you know!! Thanks a lot guys!

pics or it didn’t happen.
On the lighter side, if the mess up did not make your work more difficult and the board ultimately comes out cosmetically ok, I wouldnt sweat it. Just surf it till it breaks and learn from the mistake. I make tons of mistakes.

It will bond ok. but don’t do it again. If you did a fairly dry lam the glass cloth will show the weave. Just scuff it up with 100 grit and hot coat it. Make sure you do a fairly thick hotcoat… The board will be fine.

The problem you run into is if you sand the glass too much scuffing it up, you’ll you hurt the integrity of the glass and make a weaker board.

so scuff it ruff, but don’t sand it down.

You did the right thing to take care of it. Don’t ever do it again.