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Paris Hilton meets the Transformers


honestly who gives a sheeet

Surf report said “hollow and sucking” for once it was right.

“check out my new future primitive knock off by Dragon Fly”




Surf report said “hollow and sucking” for once it was right.

You forgot to add shallow.


Shallow, slutty, hollow, and uh, not that pretty? Don’t know what the big deal about her is and I’m in the age of kids that follow celebrities with interest… Not me!

“I think my cave is too big, for this little pink stick”

I do !

I dated her mom’s sister(auntie “A”) for about a year,and got to know the Hilton’s very well,Thank You !!!Herb

Is that the new Future Primitive test pilot? The only one dumb enough to surf it… yeah I’m talking to you, the one with the hair.

I don’t get the whole Paris thing. She really isn’t that attractive. Ugly, NO, but really not that hot, I am sure any one of us could go to a local mall and easily pick out 10 hotter chicks without even looking hard.

I saw some pics of her trying to surf, her top fell down (surprise) and she was wearing those stupid kook windshields (AKA sunglasses). Why do stars think it is cool to wear sunglasses in the water? Keep these people out of the water, its all we need is more people getting in the way.

$$$$$$$ !!!

Need I say more…got some …rather…interesting Hilton family stories…lol…Herb

“oh my, this thing is big, pink, stiff and looks to be wrapped for protection-i think i’ll just stuff it in here! aghh, well, it seems to be bigger than i thought.i can’t seem to be able to get it all the way in.hmm, maybe i can have my rat dog give it a licky-lick. that might help it slide in.”