Help me ID this asymmetrical board?

Hi, this is my first post so please allow me to introduce myself before I continue to my question. My name is Masa. I am a 23 year old male recently graduated from college. I was born and raised on Oahu, but studied in California and Washington. I’m a life long surfer and worked in a surfboard repair shop part-time at one point in my college career. I figure that’s when I really picked up my fascination with older boards. Being a recently college grad, I can’t afford the big-ticket collector’s pieces, but living in Hawaii - I certainly stumble upon more than my fair share of TLC projects. Which is fine because it let’s me work at my hobby with the white gloves off and at reasonable cost (plus I get to ride what I work on with no guilt).

I only heard about Swaylock’s recently from one of the older regulars I occasionally run into in the lineup (very few of my friends my age have much interest in older boards, so mahalo to the older guys who have been invaluable in helping me trace the provenance of some of my boards). So on to my question, I recently came across a battered asymmetrical board, I’ve seen very few of these even in the islands and I know even less about them. None of my usual contacts had very much info to share so I’m hoping someone on here will be able to shed some light on this board or asymmetrical boards in general.

Details: No shaper notations, but approximately 6’8. The board is certainly aged, but the stringer seems to be youthful in terms of discoloring. There is a modern style leash plug, possibly added after the fact, but I’m not sure since there is no evidence of anything else (fiberglass leash loop, leash damage from a leash attached to the fin, etc.). The glass is solid, no delams, but not as heavy as most of my 60’s boards (I’d peg the board for 70’s, if not for the leash plug, just a guess). The fin is old school plastic, not resin. The fin box is pretty generic and in decent shape. I’m not sure if the fin/box are original but there’s no evidence of the board having the finbox replaced. There is a pinline on the bottom of the board and the artwork is well done, there are even shadowed areas near the wings of the board - I’ve seen Stretch and Surfline use similar arrow graphics perhaps there are other brands/shapers who rocked it as well?

Any info,both general or specific to this board, would be greatly appreciated. Aloha!


If your from Texas I’d say Revolution Surfboards

But if your from Hawaii, I’d take a wilder guess and say Wave Crest Hawaii, seems like I saw art like that back in the day

from them, but then again it just could be a customer request( the ‘I’m with Stupid’ arrow). Year is mid 70’s 75- 78ish


Wasnt Bobby Owens doing these arrow things then?


If all the above is wrong then I’d have to go with its from the Netherlands and its a  Heineken Surfboard.



I’m gona try to beat Sammy A and the other guys who study and remember this stuff and say 71 or 72 based on the Heinekin label laminated into the deck.  That stuff was considered premium back then.  Cool board.  

Does your husky have to be captured if you let it off the leash or will it return to you when called?  Mine only returns if food is involved.  Mike

That is one mighty strange looking board. Half sting, half winger. It may well be a Herbie Fletcher shape. He used a split arrow design on many of his boards.

Factor in the airbrush, wing/sting thing, and leash plug, and I would agree with Otis as to year of vintage. That is…mid 70s.

And, Bobby Owens rode boards witha star logo, as did Lynne Boyer. Don’t recall who the shaper was.

Hey guys, thanks for the help.

SammyA, I didn’t even think of Herbie’s arrows until you mentioned him - a Herbie would be a heck of a find for $60 haha.

rooster, he might look like a husky but I assure he’s 100% slipper/shoe eating machine and yup once he takes off I pretty much have to bust out the harpoon.

Otis, almost rolled off my chair laughing at the Heineken comment.

Interesting, I didn’t realize Heineken was that popular at this period (70’s) in surf culture. It’s still pretty popular here, first beer most people learn to order, and I see more than a few Heineken themed modern boards around. We used to call it Hawaiianeiken in high school. Well, guess it goes to show, classics never go out of fashion. Mahalo again for the help!