help needed

Looking to have a board built. I currently ride a 7’4" WRV funfish and a 6’10" Bigboy tri. I’m 6’1’ and way 210 and good paddling shape.

I’m looking to have a twinfin built and need help with dimensions. I want a faster looser board but not a fish but am open to suggestions. Any help would be greatly appriciated


Hey BD2

Where are you located?

Mahalo, Rich

Land of small waves. Delaware

Please someone help me. Now I’m begging.

Try shaper Brian Wynn in Vineland NJ. 609-816-9667

waahoo thanks he’s going to take care of me. I’m going to tell him a frien of his uncle frank gave me the number.


Too late, too little, as usual.

Try 6’ x 22.5 x 16" nose x 17" tail, slightly flattenned rocker, 2.7 thick, flat deck down railed with two 6" x 6" fins, or two keels of 9" x 5.5".