Help Reglassing a Lost Surfboard

I want to reglass a 12 year old lost mayhem board.

#1 Will an old blank like this be stucturally sound after shaped up? Or break super easy?

#2 Should I restringer it? not planing on that.

#3 It has fcs fins.  How should I reglass fins?

Just leave the inserts in and tape over them and glass over them or just glass up to them?

Cost about 50 bucks for resin and glass local!

Glass removal is super itchy and not resuming until I get a plastic suit and masks. 

Thats why surfboards cost so much the itch!

Lets see…first post, comments about surfboards costing “so much”, using words like “re-stringer”, planning to strip your Lost surfboard back to foam, then re-glass… 

Is it just me?  Whats wrong with this picture?

hmm, very strange, where was the board lost? and how did you find it?

I tried this twice, TBH not worth it. Stripping the glass will tear small chuncks of foam from everywhere. The rails will be the worst affected with this, especially in the tail area, I remember 2-3" chunks coming away with the glass. Then , the glass will not come away from the stringer so easily, so that will get damaged too. 

In order for it to look right youll have to either plane down the entire blank, making the board thinner (bad) or you’ll have to fill the voids with filler. The filler oprtion sounds easy, but its not because the filler will be more dense than the foam around it (even light weight spackle), blending in the filled areas to the rest of the blank might result in creating troughs between the filled spots…

The FCS plugs will be slightly raised over the bare foam, glassing over these would be hard. Also expect chunks of foam coming away from around the plugs when stripping the glass.


I want to reglass a 12 year old lost mayhem board.

#1 Will an old blank like this be stucturally sound after shaped up? Or break super easy?

#2 Should I restringer it? not planing on that.

#3 It has fcs fins.  How should I reglass fins?

Just leave the inserts in and tape over them and glass over them or just glass up to them?

Cost about 50 bucks for resin and glass local!

Glass removal is super itchy and not resuming until I get a plastic suit and masks. 

Thats why surfboards cost so much the itch!


How much $$$ is the board worth today....What is it worth after the restore?         $ zero.....

I think you should go all out and strip/restore this board so that you can learn the craft. Make sure you keep track of all your hours and all of your material photos as you go....tons of information on swaylocks if you search for it.

Womb Hanger....Nasty Handle for a name....Is that a vaginal dingleberry? Just saying.

Anyhow. A lost surfboard is a disposable POS. Use your resources and time to make a new surfboard, or use your resources and just buy a new Lost POS surfboard, or use your resources to buy a used Lost surfboard.

But in no instance I have seen a surfboard worthy of stripping glass and reglassing. Here's what will happen:

1) you need to sand the glass down to paper thin, if not you will pull chunks of foam out. if you pull chunks of foam out then you need to fill the chunk holes.....what are you going to fill the holes with?  so you fill the holes with stuff, now the stuff doesn't sand like real you have high spots (or low spots).  What are you going to do about he fin boxes and leash plug (I'm just saying)

So now you hopefully got all the glass off.....but in doing the glass off trick, you just so happened to sand down the bottom contours, and rail profile? OOPS, so now you just glass it all up. but your not the best of glassers yet, so you kind of have a heavy glassing hand and your board turn out heavy and lumpy.  

So far you are into materials of about 60-70$$, and about 10 hrs of time.

Now you need to sand the thing down, but all you have is your dads orbital palm sander, and some 150 it turns out lumpy and takes 4 days to sand it down. You get it done, but it takes another 20$ in material.


So now you are into it for about $100, and 30+ surf it once to find out that the board sucks, and you sell it on craigslist to some fool for $120.00.   You make $20.00, and you learn to never do it again.


Resinhead is right. Reglassing a modern shortboard is pretty much a waste of time and money.

Been there, done it.  Turned out ok but I was scaling a bigger board down to something smaller.  I will NEVER do it again- far too annoying!

Womb Hanger.......what is that?  Is that nasty? Please tell.


A few years back I was thinking about ColonKlinger, but the handle as taken so I went for resinhead.

wouldn’t lost blank 12 to 14 years old be clark foam? or is clark foam POS?

crazy part it smelled like fresh resin so maybe this things preserved because last repair was 5 years ago.  Not finished ripping it.  Using a box cutter with razoer bearly out and hammering it.  Sandying down rails like in previous post on here sounds super messy.  Glass is shot and peels right off so far.

I am a kiteboarder so if blank is good I can make something that will definatly ride.

name emplys a w0mb like state like wolverines test tube or strung out album cover

or you can say its not the day after pill


  1. when doing a stringer: don’t you epoxy the wood to foam?

  2. since my glass has rotted would the glue in stringer be rotten too? 

  3. is the original glue/resin in the stringer same as glass?

  4. is breakdown of this glue totally uv related or just age from expansion/ contractions?

  5. will hot wire work on my blank?

thx for help as this is my first project.

if my blank is good that is a 140 dollar value.  yes they are 70 bucks but ship that its 140.  My boxes and fins 40 bucks= 180 bucks witch is well over 25 hours of work.