Help with ATL's surfboard epoxy

Hey guys

Well I have been using this epoxy now for a couple of month now and are still having problems with contamination.

The lamination process is fine and the fill coat is passable.

Can sand out any problem here

I am using the epoxy as a sanded finish coat and this is where I am having troubles.

After the fill coat is done, I give it a scrubb with a scourer and water then sand it to 80 grit. (info from ATL)

I then give it a good wash to remove any dust and give it a wipe with a wax and grease remover.

I then tape the rails and fin boxes mix my resin and apply using a new brush.

Here is where I want a nice smooth finish to lightly rub back to a nice sanded finish.

But I am getting too many little fish eyes and dimples.

Cany anyone help me out here???


I know you are pretty experienced in this resin.


I would venture a guess and say there’s probably some solvents in your grease and wax remover that staying on your board. That may be reacting with your final coat. From what I’ve gathered here a good soap and water and adequate rinse and dry is all you need. Sorry, no personal experience.

Ride on,


try wax and styrene in your epoxy fill coat!


rinse (no soap)


drag tape

pour and brush

Shit! I dont even rinse, just dust it off realy good, drag tape and go

any zits sand right off, even for gloss you got to sand it anyway.

your working too hard, the best adhesion will be to a freshly sanded finish

no chemicals, cleaners, ect…