Help with surfboards Hawaii board

Lookin for info.

Looks all legit - about 9ft

No initials - just a # and from what I know the #s are pretty useless as there was no system in place.

I know there were guys here who shaped them (and owned??)

What a clean example, musta been stashed well…
Real deal or a great reissue, etc.
The high density foam tailblock and fin date her.
my guess stock board around 1963

Yeah. It’s super clean. Pulled it down from the rafters of my buddy’s shop to surf tomorrow.

Tail block is blue tinted resin.

Thanks for the input matty

Wide balsa stringer and D fin set way back could be a dead give away. I’d say between '63-'66. I had one in '66 with a green tint tail block.

That thing is so clean, I’d almost be suspicious that it’s a copy. But, many 60s boards were left unused for a variety of reasons. The rare gem can still be found.
The tailblock is solid fiberglass. All of the other parts place it squarely in the 1962-64 range. The fin is most telling. Style, size, placement.

Was yours new, or second hand? '66 is a bit late for that type of fin.

It came with 4 other boards from the same time period that were in this good/better condition. This does have a few bumps and a couple small repairs

62-64 would put brewer mowing the foam?.. at least that’s from the info I can gather.

Yes. If it was built before '65 it may well have been shaped by Brewer. John Price became th owner in 1965.
That is not to say that Brewer might not have had other people shaping for him. Not sure if he was the sole shaper when he owned the label.

Yeah. I figured he probably wasn’t the sole shaper, but I can’t find any info on who else may have shaped for the label at the time.

I bought it new at Custom Surf Shop in Lavallette. Who knows what Simo was up to, but he was always straight up with me.

While it’s not totally impossible that your board was made in '66, if it closely resembles this one it would have been pretty ‘dated’ by then. But, given that it was in NJ that is no surprise. At that point in time the EC was still considered a bit of a surfing backwater. Many West coast brands sent their older ‘dead’ stock east to try and unload what wouldn’t sell in California. Much of that changed that very same year, as Dewey Weber sold more boards in the east than he did anywhere else. Hobie, and a few others, also got wise to the untatapped sales potential on the EC and marketed aggressively. BY 1967 there were about five or six Hobie dealers in southern New England within a 50 mile radius of each other. There was even a Hobie dealer inland in central Massachusetts.

As I recall John Price was shaping for Brewer when he moved to CA to start a Branch of Surfboards Hawaii in CA . Might have been a falling out with Brewer, or John bought him out.
It is well known that Al Merick got his start shaping for Surfboards Hawaii Encinitas. Ed Wright also got his start shaping there. Bill T might know who else was involved with Surfboards Hawaii. Encinitas Cardiff were small towns back then Hanson’s were in Cardiff and SB Hawaii were just a few short miles up 101.

Who else shaped for SBH back then? When John Price came out with the ‘‘Model A’’, in a very short time after that he got Duane Brown (a shaper at Hansen, at the time) to jump ship and come on board @ SBH, to shape the Model A. Needless to say, it really pissed off Mr. Hansen! When Duane left, it opened up a slot for Richard Templin to step into the shaping department.

I was pretty sure you had a name or two to add.