im building a small shed to shape boards im looking for heaters/and air purifyerse for the chemicals do i need a special heater so the fumes wont lite on fire or is any fine ane were do i get heateres and purifiers
I’m doing the same - my shed out back is going to be my bay this spring. Heaters and a venting system are a necessity, and I haven’t figured out what to use yet. I was thinking of putting an external heat soure with a fan that pulled air into the shed, that way the foam dust, fumes, etc. are not in contact with the soure. Have the soure low to the ground as heat rises (Question - fumes from resin/hardener mix - rise or fall to the ground? I don’t know what the density is). There are different ways to set up a venting system too. I was going to put two separate fan vents on the ceiling with a filter system so I’m not just shooting everything right into my backyard (Next question - will a charcoal filter be sufficient, or will I need something else?) Sorry I didn’t give answers, just more questions.
Don’t know the answers to your questions but here is what I have setup in half of a large two car garage: In the glassing area there is a wall mounted fan to the outside about a foot off the floor with a switch about four feet up. There is a construction heater on a shelf about five feet up-someone told me that most of the fumes settle towards the floor. In the shaping/sanding area I have a small portable dust collector which I don’t use much and a furnace blower mounted in a small shelter outside-in the words of Willie Nelson, “(It will) suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.” So far I have not had any explosions or burned the house down. As to ordor; I would suggest giving one of the new epoxies a go-no ordor or grumpy wives or neighbours-the stuff is a joy to work with. Looking forward to reading what other small builders are doing. Take care. Patrick