
hey all, i’ve just glassed top and bottom

and could have made a better job of the

rails, but hey-ho, some sanding ahoy.

also there area couple of dark patches

on the deck where i dinged the blank!

my question is - can i give the board a

blow over with car spray BETWEEN the

glassing and the sanding/hot coat?

any help appreciated but all’s not lost

if i can’t do this

cheers dudes - J

IMHO, you’d better hot-coat and sand, THEN spray ACRYLIC paint. Then, do some “finish” coat, either some kind of acrylic or a gloss coat. Be aware that some paints are bound to melt when styrene hits them, use only acrylics.

"my question is - can i give the board a

blow over with car spray BETWEEN the

glassing and the sanding/hot coat? "

NO !

It’s a chemical bond. Lam then hot coat ,nothing in between.