
My name is Rebecca Barron, I live in the mountains of California. I am a mountain kid but love the ocean. I always go to Santa Cruz and want to learn to surf soooo bad. I want to make a surfboard for my senior project or I mean shape one. I think it owuld be the coolest experience and I wanted to find someone that would be willing to take the time and help me do this I would like to find someone who would be cool enough to be my mentor and take time out of their busy life to help me out. I would learn how to use and make it a family heirloom. I t would be really great if you or someone could get back to me. If you know anyone who might be willing let me know. Rebecca Barron.

Rebecca, are you good at fixing dings?. Have you bought many tools, do you have a garage? If the answer is no to most of these, then your are essentially asking someone to build a board for you. You have to some previous experience with making or fixing things to build your own board. From your post: It seems apparent that you are asking someone to build a board for you, rather than focusing on learning/asking questions about how to build one. All the same: Watch out for those who may want ‘‘something’’ in return, and I’m not talking about ‘Sex Wax’.