Or is some troll doing that for you?
Does your new fin contract include an agreement not to share information or opinions?..
Does your new fin contract include an agreement not to share information > or opinions?.. To answer your question,No…I however ,would do just about anything it takes(within reason) to get them up ,and running so more people could try/use them. When I worked for a famous builder here in So.Cal. ,he asked that I not venture/contribute to other surfboard web/discussion sites ,except his, for the better of his business.Which I concoured with.This is no longer the case at hand. I have been recieving not so favorable,anonymous e-mails lately,and instead of just laughing them off as usual, I let them get the better part of me. I am sorry for any problems or difficulties this may have created. I also from time to time have to remind myself of my motto: Never quit!Herb.
To answer your question,No…I however ,would do just about anything it > takes(within reason) to get them up ,and running so more people could > try/use them.>>> When I worked for a famous builder here in So.Cal. ,he asked that I not > venture/contribute to other surfboard web/discussion sites ,except his, > for the better of his business.Which I concoured with.This is no longer > the case at hand.>>> I have been recieving not so favorable,anonymous e-mails lately,and > instead of just laughing them off as usual, I let them get the better part > of me.>>> I am sorry for any problems or difficulties this may have created.>>> I also from time to time have to remind myself of my motto: Never > quit!Herb. Thank you for your many valuable contributions here. Your voluntary contributions to this board and to us readers have been invaluable. We have no right to expect anything from you. There must be hundreds of professionals who contribute bupkis. I’m very sorry that your generosity, besides giving you recognition, gave you grief. If you get wind of who the assholes are, you can rely on your friends here at Swaylocks. Funny, I was watching Three Kings the other night where George Clooney rhetorically asked his troops “What is at the top of anyone’s priorities?” Clooney answered “necessity” as I was yelling “JUSTICE” at the screen. The remainder of the movie played out the unmistakeable fact that Clooney’s character put justice above necessity. Don’t let the assholes win. If you want to help us poor unwashed boardbuilders, we appreciate it, but it’s your business. If you want to opt out, that’s okay too. Do whatever you think is right. Just don’t do it because some heavy is demanding it. If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know. Don’t let the assholes win.
Thank you for your many valuable contributions here. Your voluntary > contributions to this board and to us readers have been invaluable. We > have no right to expect anything from you. There must be hundreds of > professionals who contribute bupkis.>>> I’m very sorry that your generosity, besides giving you recognition, gave > you grief. If you get wind of who the assholes are, you can rely on your > friends here at Swaylocks.>>> Funny, I was watching Three Kings the other night where George Clooney > rhetorically asked his troops “What is at the top of anyone’s > priorities?” Clooney answered “necessity” as I was yelling > “JUSTICE” at the screen. The remainder of the movie played out > the unmistakeable fact that Clooney’s character put justice above > necessity.>>> Don’t let the assholes win. If you want to help us poor unwashed > boardbuilders, we appreciate it, but it’s your business. If you want to > opt out, that’s okay too. Do whatever you think is right. Just don’t do it > because some heavy is demanding it.>>> If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know. Don’t let the > assholes win. Noodle, Nothing could be added to your eloquent post. I agree and support your message both explict and implicit. I appreciate all of your insight Herb. Thank you, Magoo
To answer your question,No…I however ,would do just about anything it > takes(within reason) to get them up ,and running so more people could > try/use them.>>> When I worked for a famous builder here in So.Cal. ,he asked that I not > venture/contribute to other surfboard web/discussion sites ,except his, > for the better of his business.Which I concoured with.This is no longer > the case at hand.>>> I have been recieving not so favorable,anonymous e-mails lately,and > instead of just laughing them off as usual, I let them get the better part > of me.>>> I am sorry for any problems or difficulties this may have created.>>> I also from time to time have to remind myself of my motto: Never > quit!Herb. Hey Herb, Guard the trade secrets if you have to but guys like you are valuable in many ways. All business agreements aside from my standpoint if I can’t teach what you’ve learned to people who have genuine interest, what good is the knowledge anyway. From my humble prospective knowing how to do something is a far cry from doing it well and making money at it. I think I’m on pretty solid ground here having been in the trades for 28 years. Obviously you have high standards of intergrity so it’ll be a boon the site to have you around. I look forward to seeing your observations and comments. Respectfully, Rich
Again, thanks for the deep thoughts folks…I think I’ll go surfing tommorrow,haven’t been out in awhile.Herb.
Again, thanks for the deep thoughts folks…I think I’ll go > surfing tommorrow,haven’t been out in awhile.Herb. HERB…let your alterego set you free! If a new name should start contibuting to Swaylocks we could live with it!
Been thinking about that one myself…Herb.
Herb, I sure hope you stick around, things wouldn’t be the same without you! I bet you have more friends willing to watch your back then you think… I’ve finally got my Q-4 fish ready for the water, hopefully I’ll have a performance report for you this weekend. I hope you score some surf too! Thank you and keep smiling Bro. Scott
Thank you for your many valuable contributions here. Your voluntary > contributions to this board and to us readers have been invaluable. We > have no right to expect anything from you. There must be hundreds of > professionals who contribute bupkis.>>> I’m very sorry that your generosity, besides giving you recognition, gave > you grief. If you get wind of who the assholes are, you can rely on your > friends here at Swaylocks.>>> Funny, I was watching Three Kings the other night where George Clooney > rhetorically asked his troops “What is at the top of anyone’s > priorities?” Clooney answered “necessity” as I was yelling > “JUSTICE” at the screen. The remainder of the movie played out > the unmistakeable fact that Clooney’s character put justice above > necessity. There is an unnmitigated a-hole in Fla., who, when I visited 2ndlight.com would rip me a new one everytime. I was refered to as “less than genius”/ “shapewrong”, etc. My theories on noseriding were so full of shit, blah, blah, blah. I finally said to myself that it isn’t worth even going to the site any more and haven’t been back! The internet is a great place for snipers, unseen, faceless, ball-less.>>> Don’t let the assholes win. If you want to help us poor unwashed > boardbuilders, we appreciate it, but it’s your business. If you want to > opt out, that’s okay too. Do whatever you think is right. Just don’t do it > because some heavy is demanding it.>>> If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know. Don’t let the > assholes win.
Welcome back! I thought maybe I pissed you off on new years (just after midnight). Anyway, it seemed that soon after that your posts were deleted and nothing new was being posted. Don’t let the low-lifes get you down. Anybody who sticks his neck out with something new can become a target but most of us know you’re an innovator and hope you stick with it!
Welcome back! I thought maybe I pissed you off on new years (just after > midnight). Anyway, it seemed that soon after that your posts were deleted > and nothing new was being posted. Don’t let the low-lifes get you down. > Anybody who sticks his neck out with something new can become a target but > most of us know you’re an innovator and hope you stick with it!.. …John, nothing was said here that would have made me react it that manner. Most of the time, when I’m put to the challenge I usually get mad…but this time I felt a little saddened by it(said e-mails). I’m over it now…went surfing today,caught the tail end of this last little swell,and with a clear head and a open heart,and I ended up catching 3 really nice waves out of a dozen or so.It’s fun to hang out with your dog and your buddies once and awhile…god,it was a nice day today.Herb P.S. By the way to whom it may concern…by way of peer pressure,I entered the Surfline Championships…not so much as to surf or win,but to donate money to some great causes…hope you find your peace in life before it’s to late!
Hey Herb,>>> Guard the trade secrets if you have to but guys like you are valuable in > many ways. All business agreements aside from my standpoint if I can’t > teach what you’ve learned to people who have genuine interest, what good > is the knowledge anyway. From my humble prospective knowing how to do > something is a far cry from doing it well and making money at it. I think > I’m on pretty solid ground here having been in the trades for 28 years. > Obviously you have high standards of intergrity so it’ll be a boon the > site to have you around. I look forward to seeing your observations and > comments.>>> Respectfully, Rich Rich, when some of the other shapers in S.D. found out I was going to do a series of board building videos they were to say the least miffed, “what your going to show every one how to build boards”. I have watched guitar players and I don’t have a clue on how to play Stairway to Heaven! This is America we live in isn’t it?
Rich, when some of the other shapers in S.D. found out I was going to do a > series of board building videos they were to say the least miffed, > “what your going to show every one how to build boards”. I have > watched guitar players and I don’t have a clue on how to play Stairway to > Heaven! This is America we live in isn’t it? Well my friend, some good guitar players make their living giving guitar lessons. Some do it playing. And I have a friend that used to make a buck building guitars. I’m sure they’re real worried about what everybody’s saying behing their backs. The real question? Is the product viable, I mean is it really alive? Are surfboards really any different? I think not. The first three guys that come to my mind are all old time shapers that do both custom work and build boards on what I’d call speculation. Bottom line is they know what they’re doing and they’ve paid their dues. Every stick is very functional and a work of art as well. After all, look at the difference in surfboard design. 10’x10"x20"x10"x3"full length vee big wave guns to 5’2"x17"x22.5x16"x2.5" hydrobottom C5 fish…& any kind of a hybrid you can dream up. So ask me if someone with real experience really worries about giving somebody a tip. Building a good board is a work of art as far as I’m concerned. Tell me how many guys are gonna be around for the long haul? You and I both know that if someone wants to know how to do something bad enough they’ll find out how. Once someone tries to build a board themself they realize how much goes into first class board. I mean take a look at Hap Jacobs work sometime. It’s simply the finest in hand craftsmenship. Not many are skilled enough with their hands to be truely competitive with the best. I didn’t mentioned anyone I know personally because I didn’t think it would be appropriate. No worries, Rich
Rich, when some of the other shapers in S.D. found out I was going to do a > series of board building videos they were to say the least miffed, > “what your going to show every one how to build boards”. I have > watched guitar players and I don’t have a clue on how to play Stairway to > Heaven! This is America we live in isn’t it? Jim, It
s a bit like closely watching a finely-tuned, professional magician... what looks sooo easy to the casual observer would actually be quite impossible. And of course, most magicians don
t like the members of their guild to give away many trade secrets, either…
Rich, when some of the other shapers in S.D. found out I was going to do a > series of board building videos they were to say the least miffed, > “what your going to show every one how to build boards”. I have > watched guitar players and I don’t have a clue on how to play Stairway to > Heaven! This is America we live in isn’t it? Jim, It may be that the other SD shapers are just upset that they didn’t decide to do it first. They most likely thought that JC had captured the market or didn’t think of it at all! I’ve got a vid of Eddie Van Halen rippin through Eruption and I can’t do it no matter how many times I watch it (my lil brother can though). Bottom line, you will help those interested in understanding the craft and the curves. The Pros have little to worry about the masses migrating from the proven products to their own works. If the Pros are worried about competition or a new player penetrating Market Share they should worry about the ghost shapers and glassers they are employing. I would dare say that the statistics would demonstrate that is where the future professional is coming from, not from the backyard or garage hobbyist. You know, I’ve watched you true up a blank and shape it up close and personal. Man, I am so far away from your skill it is not even funny. However, I use that memory as a cornerstone in my process and I get a little better every time. Congradulations on getting that vid produced and rest assured that I will slap down my green to own it. Respectfully, Magoo
IMHO the professional shaper has much more to worry about re mass producers like Surf Tech who use third world labor, when it comes to loss of income. I see a lot more Surf Techs in the water than home built surfboards. Now don’t get flustered out there, I’m not trashing Surf Tech, just making a comment! Some of my best friends ride Surf Techs.
I have an ex-army buddy that I go shooting with regularly,Who tries to out shoot me at any cost…He even went to the expense of buying a H&K PSG-1 SNIPER RIFLE(ABOUT $10,000.00),but with little success at out shooting me. I usually take my FN-FAL 50.00, SNIPER GRADE,coupled with a World Class ,lit rectile, 3point, quick aquisition 3 x 9 x 40 W.O. SCOPE. ( I got about $2500.00 into it)(A sniper grade rifle is one that has it’s parts hand selected,and built by one master tech,rather than just assembled on a line with non selected parts, by several techs). So he though it was my rifle that made the difference,and placed a bet that if we switched rifles that he could beat me in a combat sniper type match…he hated paying that bet off…As Jim has said in the past,it’s the person ,not the tool,Herb.