Yes, the super glue helped get the fin to fit better into the plug. I used about 4 layers and was able to screw it down snug. One fin needs a little tweaking, but I’ll take them out for a test run. I’ll let know how they work for me after. Thanks, Rob H.
I called you a couple of times yesterday, but I did not hear back. I guess you got it figured out?
I called you a couple of times yesterday, but I did not hear back. I guess > you got it figured out? Mike, Thanks for the offer and I’d still like to compare how your set fits into my plugs. I’ll bring board over as Herb suggested just to see. Sorry I missed your call, I was at school till 10pm. Called your house today and I’ll get in touch tonight. Thanks, Rob.
Sorry couldn’t resist!(a line from the movie’“HEAT”) Rob,Sorry for the hassle,they are for the most part hand made(I think in the long run you will find that they are worth every bit of it).I can’t keep up with the daily demand anymore… it is…OVER F–KING WHELMING!!! I need someone to make and market these chargers to free me up some!!! Going speed racing this afternoon/night,with some heavy wts of the skate industry. Will mail your replacements tommorrow or Monday.Herb.
Sorry couldn’t resist!(a line from the movie’“HEAT”) Rob,Sorry > for the hassle,they are for the most part hand made(I think in the long > run you will find that they are worth every bit of it).I can’t keep up > with the daily demand anymore… it is…OVER F–KING WHELMING!!!>>> I need someone to make and market these chargers to free me up some!!!>>> Going speed racing this afternoon/night,with some heavy wts of the skate > industry. Will mail your replacements tommorrow or Monday.Herb. Herb, great movie and got your drift. Stopped over at Mike D’s last night. He lives about 2 minutes from my house. Loaned me a set and had alot of helpful advice. His shaped blank for the fish looks goood. He’s a nice guy and worthy of all yours and Steve’s help. Take care, Rob.
I survived last night.I got my new downhiller dialed.What a rush!Too many cars last night,but one firefighter gave us a tow back up the hill.Herb
And who should I send the replacement set to? Mike or Rob?THANKS.Herb.
I gave him my last set to use. If you are backed up, then there is no hurry at all for me. I have not heard from Rob on how they worked for him. He said that he was going to try them this past weekend and we did have some waves. Nothing special but solid chest to head high wind/ground swell mix. A little bumpy but I am sure if he went out he would be able to tell if they worked for him. I checked the toe, cant and fin plug placement for him and everything checked out. The guy who installed them has been doing boards in the area for quite some time, and did a good job on them (Greg Gieselman - Orion surfboards). The only thing that I saw was that the tabs on the fin were narrower (the tab was thinner) than mine. The pressure from the inside screw did little to nothing to change the cant on my set with no modifications. On Rob’s set it would have changed the cant about 2 degrees. Instead of glueing them in place, then lightly securing them with the inside screw, he had built up the tap with superglue (on the inside surface), let it dry, then tried to secure the fin with the inside screw. It just wasn’t happening. Hopefully he will post his thoughts on the setup soon. He is more than welcome to keep those as long as he wants. I won’t be doing another thruster for awhile (I am going to finish my fish, and then a single fin longboard down the road). So I am in no hurry at all, in fact, since you are backed up, don’t even worry about it. I can always just take a set out of my other board and use them for something else when need be. Thanks for everything. mike d.