
Yo herb I don’t know if you been to the board fishing site in a while but they set the date for the tournament Sunday July 21 Wind an Sea. It’s about a 1/4 mile paddle to the first kelp bed so alot of people head out in the dark . Hope to see you there.

Yo herb I don’t know if you been to the board fishing site in a while but > they set the date for the tournament Sunday July 21 Wind an Sea. It’s > about a 1/4 mile paddle to the first kelp bed so alot of people head out > in the dark . Hope to see you there. I know i’m not Herb, but keep an eye out for those Great Whites, they like the Kelp beds. Paddling in the dark isn’t to good. Becarful and have a good time. I paddle on a Lake, I know some people might ask why a Lake. I goto school at Appalachian State University and it’s the only way i can keep my arms strong, plus i duck dive ask the lake, You’d be surprise how much it help. I’m in the mountain, with no beach, so i hit the lake to say in some what shape. When i get home “Ormond Beach, Fl.” for breaks, I don’t have any problems paddling out. Later, Stephen Berube

Yo herb I don’t know if you been to the board fishing site in a while but > they set the date for the tournament Sunday July 21 Wind an Sea. It’s > about a 1/4 mile paddle to the first kelp bed so alot of people head out > in the dark . Hope to see you there. …Thanks S.R.,BEEN SO BUSY glassing here lately ,I haven’t had much time. …That’s right around my birthday so I can most likely be there.Keep it touch!Herb

…Thanks S.R.,BEEN SO BUSY glassing here lately ,I haven’t had much > time.>>> …That’s right around my birthday so I can most likely be there.Keep > it touch!Herb Hey guys this is a great tournament, I have done a couple of times. My buddy Alan put it on for yrs, when it first started it was a small group of friends.Now it is a big tournament, even with news coverage the last couple of yrs. It’s still a kick Mark