here's a challenge for the good shapers here ....

there still doing it…

thanks a lot , Dave !!

Glenn Collins …

THAT’S the guy who was featured recently in ?australian surfing life ?

cheers , great website , mate ! [be sure to click onto the ‘testimonials’ , from their team riders … gee, I wonder why these guys aren’t in the mags every issue? hehe]


There’s 9 fins on this frikkin thing!

Good lord almighty.


There’s 9 fins on this frikkin thing!

Good lord almighty.

so ?

what , is that unusual , or something ??

not in Erle’s world , I’m guessing …

go on , read who his er “team” surfers are, in his "testimonials " link …that should give you some idea why they don’t get regular interviews in ‘the mags’ !

[Actually , if they haven’t already , maybe TheSurfers Journal could interview them… just a thought …

cheers !


I did read the testimonials :slight_smile:

I was only disappointed not to see that physicist dude, you know, the one with the nutty hair and the accent?, in the list. Er vould haf interesting tings to say about dat boards.

your avatar guy …

yes , and good ol’ professor julius* , too, of course ,

…“I have six and a haf fins of fully channeled cream milk out of the water on my backhand bottom turn …” etc…



  • [I must say …that “full cream milk”, that he used to promote in those cadbury’s blocks …DIDN’T it improve his LOOKS , eh ?]

Sorry…can’t hear (read?) the name Julius without thinking of King Julius from Madagascar.

I like to move it move it

I like to move it move it

Now everybody move your bodies

We like to move it nice and sweet and saucy

(Voiced by Ali G)

julius looks just like you …

do you sound like AliG , too ??

THAT will get you the chicks [“baaabes”]


Dude, I am Ali G.

I thought you knew that!

"R-E-S-P-E-C-T "

[pity about your poopee little peepee though . Or so Rubberlove and Zap reckoned !]

…maybe you could shape us the AliG blueflame jetDJ rap mix bottom board ?


ahem …

okay …the challenge still remains !

Louis ?? you still up for making a jet bottom ? (I wish I KNEW how to shape those jets !)

cheers !


[…what a GREAT ‘Swaylocks travel board’ a ‘jet bottom’ would make …that way , LOTS of people would get to find out how they ride !]

Just a guess but I imagine the easiest way to shape the jets would be with a router set up with a template guide and plywood templates the shape of your jets. Looks like an absolute nightmare to glass and sand though! Maybe in a couple years…