here's a challenge for the good shapers here ....

[not to mention the glassers, sanders , polishers]

…anyone on here want to shape a “jet bottom” ?

[one of these …

and … do a resin swirl on the bottom ?

cheers !


I would like to know how the hell they shape those bumps / curves , what sorta tools would you use?!


Hey Ben

how does your brother say they ride?

Looks like there would be alot of churning water under your feet kind of like riding one of those “flow riders” at the water park. But I could be wrong …

I was trying to figure out the mathematics behind the patterns but it doesn’t make any sense since it’s a star pattern emulation from the center of the board versus flowing from the nose to the tail. Looks like a Freddy Krugerized version of McCoy’s “Loaded Dome” concept… A Loaded Dome on acid…

How you template that out even in your mind as you’re cutting it is a nightmare but glassing it would be worse.

Is Mr. P the other Mr. P still making them…

Blazing Boards


Speed of Light

Bred for Maalae’a freight trains

That’s what I remember good to see a fresh one.

Oh BTW the swirl would be easy…

Just start with an Ocean Foam blank that’s all the swirl is in the foam…

Chip are we allowed to use a spoon? or even a giant frickin’ lazer beam?


sounds like you’re giving it some thought …

good to see …

can’t wait to see the finished product …


"Is Mr. P the other Mr. P still making them ? "

yes , up in northern queensland .

Erle Pedersen is his name .

His neighbour [forget his name now ] was recently featured in surfing life magazine , from memory …

Simon said the jet bottoms which were not the FULL length of the board went better , actually , in answer to your question, Bernie .

Would you or CMP be interested in making one [I can’t imagine vacuum bagging one , but there ya go …even MORE of a challenge to someone ‘out there’ ?!]

cheers !


Erle moved from the Gold Coast to Agnes Waters some years ago…

To get away from all the sanders and glassers who hated him!!!

( No, not really, but you’de reckon so…)

Apparently there were also some more extreme numbers which featured fully modelled bird head sculpted noses!

Love it


Actually, I had a couple of those when Earle was shaping for Murray Bourton at Pipedream. Most of the Jet Bottoms were Pipedreams. Your brother (chips) was right when he said the ones that werent full board worked better. I had two, one was on the tail like a regular channel bottom but felt nothing like it, very free, very fast and very ridable. The other was in the belly or more correctly fading in between the fins from about half way and this was one of the best boards I have ever ridden in my life.

Earle also done some and one of my friends has one where there are vents protruding into the deck that feed the air into the jet on the bottom. He says it goes great too air gets sucked down into the jet bottom and you are literally riding on air… Well as the theory goes anyway.

The problem with these wasnt performance it was price. Just like normal channels people that don’t make boards just dont understand how much work the shaper, glasser and sander put into them. Earle actually used to glass them himself as noone else would, dragging the resin through the jets with his fingers and then sanding each channel with a dentist drill like pencil sander. People just wouldnt pay the extra $150 when in reality it was $400 worth of work. Story of any shapers life eh.

I use to hang around with a friend of Erle’s when I was a grommet in the 70’s. One day Erle turns up at Jicks place with a wagon full of the birds head boards Speednedle mentioned.

Not only did they have birds heads they had wings and a body. The board had a sort of conventional planshape (with a head) but the bottom, down the centreline was the body with huge deep concaves to form the wings. We actually went and surfed these boards. It was the 70’s we were living at Whale Beach on Sydneys Northern Beaches. It did not seem all that out of place, considering the era we were part of. The last time I saw one of the boards was at Kirra Surf about 15 years ago. See photo. platty.


Erle moved from the Gold Coast to Agnes Waters some years ago…

To get away from all the sanders and glassers who hated him!!!

( No, not really, but you’de reckon so…)

Apparently there were also some more extreme numbers which featured fully modelled bird head sculpted noses!

Love it


fully shaped bird shaped FINS , too …???

so , WHO is up for making some of THESE FINS for it , eh ?

[…not ME !]

or , if someone would prefer to do a half-board jet bottom …

I’d LOVE to see [and ride !] one of these !!

[again , this one is also my brother Simon’s…]

actually Ben if you could get your hands on one of these for a day or two you could start making them very easily…

first take a layer of carbon and sandwich a 1/16"-1/32" sheet Corecel or Dcell between two sheets of carbon.

bag the sandwhich with slow setting epoxy over a jet bottom to create the imprint.

Now all you have to do is use the carbon/PVC foam contour map to press the jet bottom onto any piece of EPS foam you wish to use.

To make things even simpler shape your basic design first then glass the bottom of the board with a couple layers of glass while pressing in the jet bottom imprint onto the bottom of the EPS board with a bag under high pressure.With a sheet of perf release and a simple thin blotter you could also suck out all the extra resin from the glass to prevent pooling eliminating the dentist drill…

Had Earl discovered such bagging techniques(funny in that most of this I learned from Bert’s one post on the subject, that’s how powerful that post was) it would’ve made Earl’s life alot easier but definitely less artistic.

I sense he’s a carver/shapeshifter by heart.

Using this technique you could punch out jets all day long including swirl designs of all kinds.

In fact using our new “make it easy, make it fast technique” you could premake these on flat sheets of soft 1" EPS and attached them later to a 1 1/2" or 2" sheet of EPS later.

There’s always a hard way to do things and an easy way to do things it’s all a matter of what path you choose.

Here’s an interesting thought…

I wonder how surftech would react if some country bought their entire board catalog and started reproducing them using similar molding techniques and cheaper materials then sold them on the open market as brandless copies at half the price…

Kind of what I see going on with all the clark catalog copies in EPS cut or molded foam…

Such a venture by a company not too friendly either with Thailand or the US would be a circle completed.

Everytime they made one just buy it copy it and sell it at half the price…

Exactly whats happening on every level in the consumer mass market today…

By the way I’m starting to see brandless logoless epoxy copies starting to show up on sale online nowadays and they are copies of another design…

here’s a couple examples…(can you se it coming)

"actually Ben if you could get your hands on one of these for a day or two you could start making them very easily…

first take a layer of carbon and sandwich a 1/16"-1/32" sheet Corecel or Dcell between two sheets of carbon.

bag the sandwhich with slow setting epoxy over a jet bottom to create the imprint.

Now all you have to do is use the carbon/PVC foam contour map to press the jet bottom onto any piece of EPS foam you wish to use.

To make things even simpler shape your basic design first then glass the bottom of the board with a couple layers of glass while pressing in the jet bottom imprint onto the bottom of the EPS board with a bag under high pressure.With a sheet of perf release and a simple thin blotter you could also suck out all the extra resin from the glass to prevent pooling eliminating the dentist drill…

Had Earl discovered such bagging techniques(funny in that most of this I learned from Bert’s one post on the subject, that’s how powerful that post was) it would’ve made Earl’s life alot easier but definitely less artistic.

I sense he’s a carver/shapeshifter by heart.

Using this technique you could punch out jets all day long including swirl designs of all kinds.

In fact using our new “make it easy, make it fast technique” you could premake these on flat sheets of soft 1" EPS and attached them later to a 1 1/2" or 2" sheet of EPS later.

There’s always a hard way to do things and an easy way to do things it’s all a matter of what path you choose. "

wow !!!

can you do it , Bernie ?

I would LOVE to see you and CMP make one of these , and let us know how it goes in Hawaii …

cheers !


I don’t know I’m actually psyching myself up for retirement and back to full concentration on screwing the world big time like the rest of the capitalistic pig world I am part of… In actuality though my associate/intern is leaving for a better position so I won’t have this time I’ve had over the last year to play around with all this stuff anymore… Back to the 14 hour days 7 days a week grind keeping my corporate america clients happy and running lean and mean…

But if you ever hear of anyone around here in Hawaii who has a jet board let me know and we can give it a shot. CMP always likes that cutting edge kind of stuff he’s just been real busy doing his own thing lately.

As far as how it goes…

Life has definitely changed on the rock since blank monday. But with Ted Wilson/Billabong’s latest venture it’ll soon be right back to where it was before Black Monday if everyone can hold on that long… At least that’s the vibe on the street here. There a new shop selling Aussie shortboard blanks from Midget here by the airport they’ll also CNC your EPS blanks on their APS3000 if you want them to. People are playing around with the new stuff biding time but in reality they’re just playing around buying time and practicing their lawn mowing skills. I here there’s a big growth business in turf management with all the new “private” golf courses popping up here on the Ewa Plain.

There’s a rule about the theory of change in that it takes only a 1% alteration in the status quo to create a massive flux to the next level. I kind of believe that’s already happened, and to want anything more than what’s current happening would be greedy. I think Bert and Greg would agree… The change agents have already done their duty the winners and losers will choose their own path to follow.

Who knows Ben maybe you started all this with those early photos of all those fin plugs you put on your boards.

I do know now that none of my boards in the future will ever have less than five boxes to choose from.

Wow, I’m stoked to actually see a pic of the Bird head model!

See, I had said “Aparrently…” trusting the word of my old glasser Rouser who lived through it all back then.

I am keen to do some mad stuff like that just for fun, hey, why should function rule over art!?

Coming from the man who gave you the rocket board…

And, I’d like to hear from Earle…Earle…


Now all you have to do is use the carbon/PVC foam contour map to press the jet bottom onto any piece of EPS foam you wish to use


“Speedy” , if you get a few spare days …

maybe YOU can create the next “auslocks board” , eh ?

a 6’4" jet bottomed 1 [with three to 5 fin options?] board …

cheers !


gumby… yes , a mate of my brother had one of those “air vent” boards you mentioned . If ONLY I had kept the photo !!

i will try that challenge,

i shaped lots of channel bottom but jets?? what a trip…

how deep are the jets?

anyone know wich tools they use to shape it?

more picture anyone? i never seen one in real…

thanks for the post, interesting.

i think DHD was doing some a little while ago.

good on ya , Louis !!

I’m hoping ‘Pandanus’ will chime in here , at some stage , as he could be in the area where ErlePedersen lives now .

…I wonder if Erle would divulge any of this stuff ?

cheers !


?? Did Earl do take mind altering substances? his boards are awesome! i’d love to try a wide half jet bottom single fin.
