Here's something for the certified sways insomniacs " )

Trying to sleep?

check this out hehe!


As long as it holds up to some "rockin’ n rollin’. Nice score.

looks like somebody here’s figured out what it’s really meant for hehe " )

We’re hanging in the wee hours here in the Outer Banks tonight - don’t expect to see anything quite that bad in the morning here.

Been several days of prep which culminated in a brand new vacuum/rocker/laminating/shaping table being completed and brought under vacuum for the first time yesterday just before putting boards down across it and moving everything in the studio up off the floor.

Raining and gusty at the moment as I type this wondering how soon after this redneck turd of a storm - what kind of idiot names a hurricane Earl anyway? - will it be before the first board can be layed down?

The pinheads on the weather channel are busy showing us what we already know but somehow can’t turn it off.

Oh well, the new construction around the studio and house siding needed to be cleaned plus the bonus of having stocked up liquour on the off chance we’d really get pasted, suffer damage, lose power and access to the stores.

Setting up to be a pretty good weekend of debauched board building and riding as the surf cleans up.

Surfiber, You’re in bed, with your sweetie, you are awake, can’t sleep…What’s a fella to do???

that’s precisely why my busted-up bed needs a long-overdue replacement hehe the frame is tubular metal for cryin’ out loud! " )

latest bed movements hehe :


finally got it done. everything locks into place-- legs, headboard frame, upper- & lower-torso sections :

removable headboard & slats :

A-frame bridge simplicity at work :

Yakal, Guijo, Apitong, wood glue & clever design hehe " )
