Here's What I've Been Up To

I’ve been away from the site for a few years, not really for any particular reason.  Since a lot of you folks helped get me started on board #1 back in 2009 (which I still surf, by the way), I thought I’d post some shots of #3.  Yes, I’m slow to progress.  On the upside, I did glass this one myself (first time). Color is tempera on the foam.  Glass is 4/4+4

6’0 x 20 x 2 1/2 with a slight belly throughout, boxy rails.  I’ve since placed an 8" single fin box in the center.

It was a 40th Birthday present to yours truly…

If you figure my labor was $5 per hour, this board cost about $1200 plus materials. :-o Probably $1000 of that was in the sanding…

haha - I wouldn’t dare calculate an hourly cost for my surfboards - probably make yours look like a bargain.

Board looks very nice!

How did you apply the paint?

that would be FUN as a single fin , I reckon !

Thanks guys - paint was applied with a foam brush to the shaped blank, any excess was blotted off with paper towel.

Giving this one a bump, 'cuz I like the approach:  No nonsense, no drama, just a cool board, pics, color, explanation of shape, and follow up on any questions.

Kudos to you noleash!  Hope you got some of that swell last week, they say there’s more on the way!

Nice shape. I agree with fins.

That would make a nice platform for a long single fin box that you could have all kinds of fun fin experimenting with.

Thanks Huck and UncleGrumpy.  The board has been pretty fun as a longboard replacement for me.  Even goes pretty well as a twin.


This last run of swell has been amazing, and more is on tap.  Even before Marie hit, I scored some really memorable sessions in some of the best waves I can remember locally.  Good stuff!