Hey Chip, the SS is done......

Ben, Here the pics of board and fin setups…

I’ll measure the futures and send ya info later…

trailing edge of keel is 7" from tail…


single, twin , twin w. trailer fin

try around an 8" flex fin in the box with like a 3.5" trailer behind it. youll be stoked on the feeling i think.

what are the dimensions on that board?

i’ll give it a go…

I have a 7.5 tk flex and a short trailer so I’ll try it…


6’2" x 18 x 22.75 wp 3"up x 17 x 12.25 ( tail width 2" up from diamond point)

concave deck is 1/4"deep has flat hull 2 5/8"thick at center of board , 2 7/8 at rail thickpoint,

this thing looks and feels so good… can’t wait to give it a go and start with the endless fin experiment…

i had one exactly like yours before giving it to a friend (i might re-claim it tonight though so i can surf it tomorrow). widen the tail block a little to 13" and round the nose and its the same board. domed deck though and single to double to v bottom. i have a feeling you will find it goes really fast in small surf, paddles like a champ, but turning will be alot like a longboard and the thing will not respond to a hard bottom turn past chest high. i loved it in high tide beachbreak though when you need something extra to get into the wave.

im interestd to hear how yours goes as i want to try making another one but bonzering it for better hold during bottom turns.

I’ll keep you posted… I’m real excited to get her in the water, I’ll let you know how it goes…

WOW !!

Unreal ! …there’s plenty there to look at, and for you to try out…

I’m just about to go to ‘Hicksy’s’ to commit bonzer carnage on a blank for a few days…but when I’m back, I’ll give each shot a GOOD look and get back to you with a few ‘p.m.s’…skeletor and wood and others…likewise !!

thanks for posting them…I can’t wait to hear how it rides…and yes, I knew ‘Gator’ would be interested in that board !

catchya soon
