Hey Herb: Dusters/Supercharges

Hey Herb, I’ve got a board in the works at Freeline that can be set up to surf with supercharges, as a twinzer. It’ll have a central fin box with future rail boxes trailing FCS plugs out close to the rail ahead of the Futures. I have plenty of room to experiment with fin combinations. I’m callin’ em dusters just onacounta-- It’s just a matter of terminology I guess. My questions are simple and I hoping you’ve had some experience with different fin shape applications. How does a raked leading edge for them compaired to a vertical leading egde change there effect on the fin that trails them & and second what should the size ratio of duster to fin size be? How big of a Duster/Supercharger for a 5" fin. I’m also considering putting a little one dead ahead of the center fin – building it right into the same tab that carries the center fin in the F/U box. I know you have lots of experience with this sort of set-up so I’m hoping you can set me off in the right direction. The new board is designed to facilitate fin experimentation. Anyone having advise and commentary will be greatly appreciated. Quieting cavitation is how you make speed in the air and the water both. It’s about fluid dynamics when get down to it. I hope some of the fin experts out there will chime in with their ideas as well. Good Surfin’, Rich

Hey Herb,>>> I’ve got a board in the works at Freeline that can be set up to surf with > supercharges, as a twinzer. It’ll have a central fin box with future rail > boxes trailing FCS plugs out close to the rail ahead of the Futures. I > have plenty of room to experiment with fin combinations. I’m callin’ em > dusters just onacounta-- It’s just a matter of terminology I guess. My > questions are simple and I hoping you’ve had some experience with > different fin shape applications. How does a raked leading edge for them > compaired to a vertical leading egde change there effect on the fin that > trails them & and second what should the size ratio of duster to fin > size be? How big of a Duster/Supercharger for a 5" fin. I’m also > considering putting a little one dead ahead of the center fin – building > it right into the same tab that carries the center fin in the F/U box. I > know you have lots of experience with this sort of set-up so I’m hoping > you can set me off in the right direction. The new board is designed to > facilitate fin experimentation. Anyone having advise and commentary will > be greatly appreciated. Quieting cavitation is how you make speed in the > air and the water both. It’s about fluid dynamics when get down to it. I > hope some of the fin experts out there will chime in with their ideas as > well.>>> Good Surfin’, Rich …Sorry Rich ,been busy chasing the 8 ball ,I have some info you can use,will post tomorrow,AM,Herb

…Sorry Rich ,been busy chasing the 8 ball ,I have some info you can > use,will post tomorrow,AM,Herb Hi Herb, I"m real busy to just check in when you get time. If you want to email me go for it any time at . Good Surfin’, Rich

Hey Herb,>>> I’ve got a board in the works at Freeline that can be set up to surf with > supercharges, as a twinzer. It’ll have a central fin box with future rail > boxes trailing FCS plugs out close to the rail ahead of the Futures. I > have plenty of room to experiment with fin combinations. I’m callin’ em > dusters just onacounta-- It’s just a matter of terminology I guess. My > questions are simple and I hoping you’ve had some experience with > different fin shape applications. How does a raked leading edge for them > compaired to a vertical leading egde change there effect on the fin that > trails them & and second what should the size ratio of duster to fin > size be? How big of a Duster/Supercharger for a 5" fin. I’m also > considering putting a little one dead ahead of the center fin – building > it right into the same tab that carries the center fin in the F/U box. I > know you have lots of experience with this sort of set-up so I’m hoping > you can set me off in the right direction. The new board is designed to > facilitate fin experimentation. Anyone having advise and commentary will > be greatly appreciated. Quieting cavitation is how you make speed in the > air and the water both. It’s about fluid dynamics when get down to it. I > hope some of the fin experts out there will chime in with their ideas as > well.>>> Good Surfin’, Rich …Rich,The center fin idea will work on straight ahead running but tends to be stiff,and bogs on turns,especially sharp turns,you’ll have to play with that one.I have had success with putting little 1" fins on the out sides of the center fin with good results.As far as the side fin drafting goes if you move the chargers to far forward they just tend to create more drag,working indepently of the main side fins.(boy I’m tired,and I have to be @ work in an hour).That’s why I move them in close,and with the tipped forward design(- rake)the tipped forward design has less wasted fin area,and it also allows me to place them even closer,further back,because the tip of the charger is just at or forward of the leading edge of the main side fin.I will get back with you later on this fire some more Qs ,and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.Herb.

…Rich,The center fin idea will work on straight ahead > running but tends to be stiff,and bogs on turns,especially sharp > turns,you’ll have to play with that one.I have had success with putting > little 1" fins on the out sides of the center fin with good > results.As far as the side fin drafting goes if you move the chargers to > far forward they just tend to create more drag,working indepently of the > main side fins.(boy I’m tired,and I have to be @ work in an hour).That’s > why I move them in close,and with the tipped forward design(- rake)the > tipped forward design has less wasted fin area,and it also allows me to > place them even closer,further back,because the tip of the charger is just > at or forward of the leading edge of the main side fin.I will get back > with you later on this fire some more Qs ,and I’ll get back to you as soon > as possible.Herb. I’m gonna get some shut eye. So tell me when you get a chance-- 1" duster for a 5" rail fin?? is that right?? I’ll look for you tomorrow. Thanx for the info. Good Surfin’, Rich

I’m gonna get some shut eye. So tell me when you get a chance-- 1" > duster for a 5" rail fin?? is that right??>>> I’ll look for you tomorrow. Thanx for the info.>>> Good Surfin’, Rich …1" might be too small for a 5" sidefin,say 1-3/4"-2" should do it.Herb

…1" might be too small for a 5" sidefin,say > 1-3/4"-2" should do it.Herb Herb, The fin boxes on my new board are set up much likd a C-5 board with FCS leading on the rails outboard of Futures and full lenght center fin box so I can have the option of many fin combination. I’d like I’m gonna put a couple of vertical leading edged fins (I’ll start at 2") in the back FCS plug and then put some 5"-6" fins in the future boxes and a small(not sure what size yet, Maybe 3.5" to start – any suggestions?) stabilizing fin in the middle for small waves and try a larger center fin and small rail bites for steeper more powerful waves. I wonder how placement of the lead fin on the rail will affect the boards performance? I’m always listening toward the voice of experience! Thanx Herb and Good Surfin’, Rich

Herb,>>> The fin boxes on my new board are set up much likd a C-5 board with FCS > leading on the rails outboard of Futures and full lenght center fin box so > I can have the option of many fin combination. I’d like I’m gonna put a > couple of vertical leading edged fins (I’ll start at 2") in the back > FCS plug and then put some 5"-6" fins in the future boxes and a > small(not sure what size yet, Maybe 3.5" to start – any > suggestions?) stabilizing fin in the middle for small waves and try a > larger center fin and small rail bites for steeper more powerful waves. I > wonder how placement of the lead fin on the rail will affect the boards > performance? I’m always listening toward the voice of experience!>>> Thanx Herb and Good Surfin’, Rich …the tip foward style chargers lead into the turn(rather than trailing) making them quicker,and more stable,as well as looser(much like the wings on a P-51 Mustang,which actually work better at lower speeds).PLAY WITH THE CENTER FIN THING,it’s more a personnal prefence.Herb