Hey Herb...

…I was wondering if you could give me a few details on that green 6’1 in the experimental board area. Is a board 18.5" x 23.5" x 19.5" still very maneuverable for it’s short length? How does it surf? Where is the wide point? How wide is the swallow from tip to tip? What is the rail shape? How about nose and tail rocker? Any vee or concaves? And lastly, what are the exact number’s for the fin setup? I ask because I want to make a board similiar to that and would like to use your specifications as a reference, among other’s. You could post here or email me at if you’d like. Thanks for any help you can give me. And to anyone who may know, what were the original Lis fishes length, nose, center, and tail width? Wide point location? Rails? Rocker, vees or concaves, and fin setup (exact placement)? I know they varied but what were some general number’s? A lot of question’s, I know. But any help is greatly appreciated! Happy surfing- ryan

Herb, please post your answers here, because I was thinking of asking the same question. I’m such a lousy typer it would have taken me days to write all that. Thank you and thanks to Ryan for asking such a good question. Scott.>>> …I was wondering if you could give me a few details on that green 6’1 in > the experimental board area. Is a board 18.5" x 23.5" x > 19.5" still very maneuverable for it’s short length? How does it > surf? Where is the wide point? How wide is the swallow from tip to tip? > What is the rail shape? How about nose and tail rocker? Any vee or > concaves? And lastly, what are the exact number’s for the fin setup? I ask > because I want to make a board similiar to that and would like to use your > specifications as a reference, among other’s. You could post here or email > me at if you’d like. Thanks for any help you can give me. > And to anyone who may know, what were the original Lis fishes length, > nose, center, and tail width? Wide point location? Rails? Rocker, vees or > concaves, and fin setup (exact placement)? I know they varied but what > were some general number’s? A lot of question’s, I know. But any help is > greatly appreciated!>>> Happy surfing- ryan

What about the 6’5"x 22", is it a sorta stretched out version of the green fish? Thanks again Herb, Scott. Herb, please post your answers here, because I was thinking of asking the > same question. I’m such a lousy typer it would have taken me days to write > all that. Thank you and thanks to Ryan for asking such a good question. > Scott.

Herb, Even better, if you want to answer those questions publicly, I can help you add the information to your actual showcase record - like a Q & A session. It would be useful information to add there. (You have to put some code into the data fields to make carriage returns and new paragraphs.) Mike

Happy surfing- ryan…ok here it is folks, it is in the highest maneuverability class of boards.Very loose with"longboard like"paddle,planning,and pick-up/takeoff(like a positive bar of soap with good forward movement)…wide pt.= -1"…tip to tip = 12"…rails are a consistant boxed 80x20 rail sharp in the last 18" from the tail tips,a tucked center rail,and the first 18" of nose edge is dummy-ed…5" nose kick,and 2.5" tail lift in a natural rocker out of a 6"-2"C blank in superlight,with a 1/8" basswood stringer…FLAT BOTTOM!!!the main fins(multi-colored dynofish fins)are reduced from it’s original size of 6"x5" to a 4.5" x 4.5"& @ 7.5" up from the tail tips,1-1/4"off the rail,4% of CANT ,and toed 6" past the tip of the nose…The recycled thruster fins are 3"x3" 10.5" up from the tail tips , 1" out, 3% of CANT,toed 12" past the nose.It’s cut out is in a tipped forward posture. the deck is flat 0 crown and 0 deck rocker with the exception of a little lift in the nose.Herb.

What about the 6’5"x 22", is it a sorta stretched out version of > the green fish? Thanks again Herb, Scott…yes it is, but faster heavier and in a twin.Herb…the 6’-5" blank was given to me by a friend ,it was a 7’-4"A light foam …about 20 years old.

Hey Herb, thanks for all the info. What do you mean by the first 18" of rail is ‘dummy-ed’? Soft, 50-50? And the wide point -1", is that 1" behind center? One last question, I’ve heard the best way to put in a swallow tail is to cut it out towards the end of the shaping process. Is this true? What is the exact procedure, and when do you do it? I know when I made a little fish I cut the swallow out of the planshape, and found it hard to keep an even foil at the rail. Thanks again Herb for all the help! ryan

Hey Herb, thanks for all the info. What do you mean by the first 18" > of rail is ‘dummy-ed’? Soft, 50-50? And the wide point -1", is that > 1" behind center? One last question, I’ve heard the best way to put > in a swallow tail is to cut it out towards the end of the shaping process. > Is this true? What is the exact procedure, and when do you do it? I know > when I made a little fish I cut the swallow out of the planshape, and > found it hard to keep an even foil at the rail. Thanks again Herb for all > the help! ryan…no just the edge is wiped-out in the nose making a softer roll,but not 50-50…yes,that is 1" back from center…yes ,put your swallowtail in just before final blending everything should be complete including,nose,top,bottom,rails,then cut your tail out,and blend.Herb.

Question for Herb: I’m 52, in excellent shape, 5’7" 137lbs, in addition to surfing I ski & play racquetball. Started surfing here on the east coast, 1965. Retired from surfing 1969, to marry, start a career and raise 2 daughters. Came back to the sport in 1989.Got so re-hooked, that 3 years ago took an early retirement, maybe to get back those 20 years I lost.Basically my riding style is classic 60’s longboard, but when we get our hurricane surf and winter nor’easters, i’m wanting a board more condusive to those types of conditions.I did have a few years ago a 9’ stewart comp/hydo/rounded pin/tri-fin/Very Lite and that kind of did it for me.But that board is in surf-board heaven. Been trying to replace, but can not make up my mind wheather to go shorter OR stay in the 9’ range (high performance) Have considered the Hananero and Spherical Revolver, BUT your description of your board captured my attention. Any in-put would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Fred

Question for Herb: I’m 52, in excellent shape, 5’7" 137lbs, in > addition to surfing I ski & play racquetball. Started surfing here on > the east coast, 1965. Retired from surfing 1969, to marry, start a career > and raise 2 daughters. Came back to the sport in 1989.Got so re-hooked, > that 3 years ago took an early retirement, maybe to get back those 20 > years I lost.Basically my riding style is classic 60’s longboard, but when > we get our hurricane surf and winter nor’easters, i’m wanting a board more > condusive to those types of conditions.I did have a few years ago a 9’ > stewart comp/hydo/rounded pin/tri-fin/Very Lite and that kind of did it > for me.But that board is in surf-board heaven. Been trying to replace, but > can not make up my mind wheather to go shorter OR stay in the 9’ range > (high performance) Have considered the Hananero and Spherical Revolver, > BUT your description of your board captured my attention. Any in-put would > be greatly appreciated.>>> Thank You,>>> Fred…I’m 44 in july 135# @ 5’-8" have two girls of my own, a 1yr. old and a 6yr. old.(and yes i’m to old to have kids of this age!)Herb.

Herb, I missed your post yesterday. Mine are 23 & 28, educated & on their own.Now it’s my turn !!! Enjoy them & stay well. Fred