hey Schwuz

I was wondering if you’ve had a chance to surf your fat p- er, schwuzzard escher thingy. Any results to report?

Yes. I rode it once so far on a thigh-high slop day. It caught waves extremely well, probably the best of all my boards so far, but there wasn’t enough power in the waves to judge any farther than that. It seemed to not have very much drive, but that was likely due to the weak waves and the fin setup I had at the time. It was really easy to turn off the back foot as well. I still need to try it in some surf with some power, for sure.

I decided to add a center box and a couple of plugs for twinzer-type lead fins as well, so I cut it open a couple of days after riding it to do that work. Found water that had settled down in the tail when I cut the center box out…

So, now I’m letting it dry out… That’ll probably take a couple weeks, won’t it? I think I have tracked the problem down to some dry spots in the deck lam that didn’t fill with the hotcoat, leaving inlets for the water. I haven’t found a “real” ding, and I can’t see anywhere else it could have come in, so…

But yeah, that’s the report.