Hi all!

Hi all! I’m Ron, aka @boardporn on Instagram. I’ve wanted to respond to a number of threads and get in on some good discussions but it seems I need to be up-voted first. Go easy on me, as I simply exist to support the craft and the fine shapers, glassers, sanders and everyone else who pour their blood, sweat and tears into our toys. I’m not just a guy who posts photos on Instagram, but a board collector (hoarder) and lifelong surfer. 

Points given.

What’s in your collection and where are you?

Welcome ah “board”

Welcome on board Ron! Good to have you here.

When are you going to build a board:) ?


Jean @Blackbucksurfboards

I curse/applaud you for providing such an addictive Instagram feed!

For those Swaylockers who aren’t familiar, it’s a pretty solid curation of a bunch of really nice looking boards, worth checking out:




Thanks! I really need to try soon. Problem is, I’m all thumbs. 

I’m based in NYC. I live one block from the beach in Rockaway Beach. My quiver is an eclectic mix of shapers and designs and constructions. The common theme amongst my boards is short and chunky, like me.  You can check out much of my quiver on @ronsquiver where I only post my personal boards. It tends to grow every two weeks ago. Yes, I have a problem. 


Starting this thing was a blessing and a curse. It breaks up the monotony of my every day desk job, but it causes my wife to want to kill me for the time commitment and board hoarding. 

dude i’ve been referencing stuff from your page for ages.

Welcome Ron!

Yeah let me up yours.  We need some new blood around here.  Lowel aka Hd McDing

Your feed is rad, jealous as of that green ogre that Clutch made you!

Love your feed for sure! Points given. @solid_stripe, sometimes I post some cool handplanes-