Hi Platty

Hi Platty,

I have access to a 64/65 Glyn Ritchie designed Scott Dillon, 9ft 6in, it is in ok condition, still water tight, some dings, if 1 was immaculate, and 5 was delamed, needed foam replaced, it would be a 2.5. There is browning of the foam and leaching of a brown deck colour onto foam, single stringer. I am attempting to post a picture of it.

My questions are; what guestimate in $Au would you put on it, what would you do to restore it?, what value would it have if restored?

I would of sent this to you personally, Unfortunately you have not posted an address, and neither have I.



Got this baby sussed, here are some more pics.


[…I’m not platty obviously, but if it’s of any help to you,]

Scott Dillon runs a ‘surf legends museum’ [I think it’s called ?] just outside coffs harbour…mid- north new south wales coast… if you’re in australia, it might be worth ringing him.

If you’re elsewhere, maybe a ‘google’ search may turn up an email address ? [I’m sure if you emailed him , he would tell you an approximation, from the photo]. He’s a friendly and VERY funny and interesting guy. One of the aussie big surf pioneers, and a TRUE living legend, in my opinion, anyway. Stoked I met him and had a talk. He has some BEATIFUL boards there.

…I recommend everyone visit that museum at least once in their lifetime [he even has a ‘fat penguin’ hanging from the roof, among all the other interesting boards!!]

okay... I hope this helps mate !! 

      ben  ["chip"]

MrT, that is a good looking board. Nice and hippy. I bet it rides well.

Is the darker colour on the deck the original foam or tint / pigment in the laminate?

If it is the foam and the bottom and rails are alot whiter, it probably had a pigment job at some stage. It looks to me as if it is in ok condition. If it were my board I would repair the dings, give it a sand and re gloss. Then polish. Personally if the board can be left as close to original condition it would be worth more to a collector than one that has had a full pigment restoration. Having said that some boards would not be worth restoring if they did’nt have pigment jobs.

As far as putting a price on it, that’s a hard one. I think it depends on who is buying it. A collector wanting it to fill a spot in their collection would be prepared to pay more for it than a guy who wants an old board to ride on club days and in old mal comps. As is,I would think around the $A600 or $A700 mark. Restored, add the cost of the restoration plus a bit. I’m no expert when it comes to pricing boards. As Chip said try contacting Scott Dillion or a dealer. Are you in Australia? There are a couple of dealers on Sydneys Northern beaches that would be able to help I’m shore. If you are let me know and I will post their details. platty. Scott Dillon Museum / Scott Dillon Surfboards

3 / 18 Gaudrons Road Korora via Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 Phone : 61 02 6653 6536

dafin @ key.net.au

Thanks for that, I have tried Scott Dillon’s email as per his website, unfortunately the network that this computer works through wouldnt allow the email to go through. Both the board and I are in NZ, however I might ring him during office hours.


Hi Platty,

It is hard to tell if it is a tint on the foam or in the laminate? The board is sitting in my office, it belongs to a workmate who wants to sell it, I have been looking at it from the perspective of restoring it, I also wanted it to surf on as it looks as if it will work quite well. Unfortunately, NZ$250.00 wont buy it as EBay etc, has got in the road of a simple transaction and I dont feel like commiting NZ$500.00. Just as an aside, I like the way that the shaper has kept the deck flat and put the shape into the bottom, with a slight kick in the nose. Who was/is Glyn Ritchie and did he shape for Dillon?

The guy who owns it, is keen to sell, could you post email addresses of the Sydney dealers. The board is in NZ, the owner would probably be happy with NZ$500.00, Aus$450 approx. Looking at the pics supplied, what would you quote to sand and re-gloss, as guide to me having some-one here in NZ do the work?

Thank you again for your time,


Hi MrT, for a basic sand, gloss and polish A$200 would cover it. Add to that repairing the dings. It is hard to see the amount of dings by looking at the photos.

The Sydney dealers.

SURF TRADER pty ltd contact Geoff Groom.

6/9A Ponderosa Pde Warriewood 2102 NSW Aust.


MICK MOCK. Mick runs the Sydney surf auctions.

He has a shop on Barrenjoey road Palm Beach I dont have a number. It is called LITTLE DRAGON. 02 9974 4417 no e-mail address.

I Dont know these guys personally. Geoff Groom would know of me as I have been doing some work for a collector friend of his.

I dont know a great deal about Glyn Ritchie apart from the fact that he shaped / designed really nice looking boards. And was a good surfer for his time. I hope all this helps. platty.

Hi Patty,

Thank you for the info and advice, this place, Swaylocks, is more addictive then any any other vice I know, I better go and put in some family time, except I am in Christchurch, it is bloody freezing, and feels like it is going to snow again.

Cheers Mate