Hi! Wood_Ogre here


Interested in seeing more?? If so speak up. I would like a little imput here ! Otherwise------------------------ Wood_Ogre

the thread has been going 12 days.

as at 8.20pm 31st october [west oz time] ,

it has



60 replies .

…safe to say , we are INTERESTED woody ! [or can I call you mark, as amby does ?]

keep up the documenting mate , I LOVE it !!

and yes , honolulu’s question was similar to what I was going to ask re: the feeling / differences with a hollow wood board [I have ridden a total of three of them, so far …two of 'Hicksy’s , and one of 'Kiricore’s…not neccessarily “better” [or “worse” ] than foam core ones ?? just DIFFERENT , is my feeling …mind you , I have not [yet] ridden a thin , ‘modern thruster’ made using the hollow wood method. I sure would be INTERESTED to , though …how THIN can you go , I wonder , and still have it strong ?

cheers !

ben , woz [not 'was ’ ]

OK! Here we go again!!

Building up the butt crack with balsa strips. Had to cut thinner strips as 1/4" didn’t want to take the bend. So I used 4- 1/8" strips for each glue up. I used two 1/4" strips for the rail as I wanted a heiring bone lap. I liked this lap so much that I think I will use 1/4" laps next time. Will use fast hardner for the glue up and flash set the epoxy so I can build the layers faster.

I want to keep this about building this board and not about wood or Hallow boards. But to clear things up. I have never built a wood board before. I have never ridden one before. I have never even seen one except in Pauls pictures. I am building this board because I can not buy a board that was built strong enough for a guy that is 220lb. The kite surfers that are now riding regular surfboards brake them real fast . I can destroy them one time out - one jump. So the need to make my own. Aloha Wood_Ogre

That overlap looks so sweet. You have just convinced me to make a wood fish. Mine will be EPS core, but I will be copying your overlap tail rail out of pure stoke. Thanks for the pics.

Hi Wood Ogre,

Not as good as yours but I’m liking the ovarlapping balsa as well…

Just wanted to share. 'Can’t wait for more of your pics.



Moving on!

Time to shape the rails. I clamped the board to the work bench with wood clamps. The tape is run around the out side of the redwood pin line so I don’t plane into the skins. Marked lines along rail to help keep everything even. Then went to work with spoke shave. This part was fun!

Rails shaped and everything is sanded. 60 grit and then 100. Not much sanding needed. Sand only in dirrection of wood grain.

Aftere sanding the board was was vacume cleaned and air then micro cloth wiped. Then it was shot with a coat of Zinsser

Seal Coat. Why ? Seal Coat is 100% de-waxed shellac, It will stick anything together!!! It coats the insides of the wood cells but dose not fill them. When you do the Epoxy it will fill the surface cells and wont be absorbed to deep into the wood. And (important) air will not out-gas from the wood causing bubbles and pin air !

The board is taped off and ready for glass. The tape is centered on the redwood pin line so when I cut the laps there is no risk of cutting through the skins.

Aloha! Wood_Ogre

… I love the wood pinlines , and the colour of the board . I will be interested to see the colour after it is glassed , too.

Beautiful work , Mark , beautiful !

…I am stunned by the fact that this is the first hollow wood board you have ever made ?! … you must definately be a master craftsmen !

cheers mate !


wow, it’s looking absolutely amazing, don’t ever ask the question again “are you guys bored yet, do you wanna see more?”



When you say Zinsser Seal Coat are you referring to their Bulls Eye clear shellac or another product? Thanks.


Just. Wow.

The board is impecable. The craftsmanship and the shape look spot-on. Thanks so much for the documentation!

Howzit theboys, Zinsser is shellac that comes in white or clear and I use it a lot. Great stuff and it adheres to just about anything, I’ve even coated galvinized pipe with it before painting the pipe with Stop Rust paint for projects that are exposed to the salt air to keep the rust away. Aloha,Kokua

Cool. Thankyou.

Yes I am referring to their Bulls Eye clear shellac. I didn’t want to start any arguements about shellac but it is De-Waxed which is important for useing it as a sealer coat. Other shellacs are not de waxed and will not work as a sealer coat on many things Example Polyester resin and Polyurethanes. There is a lot of confusion on how and where to use shellac but many of the old time furniture makers understand it well. We used to make our own shellac finishes by desolving Shellac flakes or buttons in alcohal. There are many different grades of shellac flakes and we would use a different one depending on what kind of finish we wanted. Also their are many different cuts of shellac 2 pound, 3 pound,ect. and that was how much shellac that was put into the alcohal. Different jobs require different cuts. I believe most old school furniture makers and cabinet makers understand all this but few do it your selfers do. Glassers that come from the polyester resin school did not figure out that if you are glassing a wood board you can eliminate a lot of bonding problems with De-waxed shellac. In fact I just talked to one of the glassers down in Lihue on monday about glassing a wood board. He told me he didn’t think I should seal the wood with shellac or anything else because the resin might not stick! Well sorry about that guy but I got 40 years of experience that says De-waxed shellac works. I think this might be a good subject for another thread there is a lot to talk about. Aloha Wood_Ogre

Kokua, I wounder if you have ever tried using the white to seal a foam blank after spackling so it dosen’t soak up so much resin? I have a friend that likes to say that De-waxed shellac is so sticky that it will stick to peanut butter ! Aloha Wood_Ogre PS to every one my wife and son are sick in bed so it might be a couple days before I do more pictures.

Howzit Ogre, I have used it on epoxy as a precoat before painting a large wooden dolphin I restored for a friend. It was the white one and it worked great. I am a poly glasser and only use epoxy for wood work as a glue usually. I am on the Hanalei side and it sounds like you are on the east side. How long have you been on Kauai, maybe we’ve met before. I was on the east side for 11 years while owning the Tropical Taco that was where PSD is in the Big Save Shopping Center now. Just finished doing a bar top with Spar varnish ( 6 coats ) for the same person I did the dolphin for.Aloha,Kokua

Kokua and The Boys , OK I’ve srewed up! I am Sorry? The Boys asked about Zinsser Bulls Eye Clear Shellac. No that is not the right one it contains wax. Dont use it as a sealer it dosent work with a lot of things Polyurethane , Polyester and others. Any shellac that contains wax will absorb water and come un-stuck!! Allthough Kokua has the right product in his mind but the wrong lable. The right lable reads Zinsser Bulls Eye SealCoat- Universal Sanding Sealer_ 100% Wax-free Formula - Guaranteed Under ALL Clear Finishes Oil-Base and Water-Base Polyurethanes, Lacquer, Catalyzed Finishes, Epoxy and Varnish . There is no mention of shellac on the lable. But look at the small print. on the left top of the lable -Contents: Wax-Free shellac, 2lb. cut VOC less than 730 grams/liter. It is product No. 00854 The Bulls Eye Clear Shellac is product 00304 Clear Transparente. There is also Bulls Eye Amber. Usually you find Bulls Eye shellac near the stains and varnishes and the SealCoat will be over with the paint primers and comes in both clear and white. Kokua , Bulls Eye Clear Transparente (wax)will work under Spar varnish it it is an oil base varish . There is a lot of mis understanding nowdays about varnishes.The formulations are changeing because of the VOC laws. Spar varnish dosen’t mean much without knowing what it is made from. Thats why people manage to screw up so easy when trying to varnish something… I do remember Tropical Taco. Yes I have met you a couple times. But I am a nobody that no one remembers but a lot of folks know my Kauai Koa Rocking Chair . Used to be called the Wood Wizzard. Have had a lot of people praise my wood working. None of them having met me. Other woodworkers and contractors know my work but can not put a face or name on it. There is only one other woodworker that has ever been to my shop and only three contractors know where it is. I don’t like visitors and have enough patrons so I am never looking for more work. So I guess Wood_Ogre fits. Wood_Ogre was stuck on me be Kenney C as an insult because I had better tools then him and a bigger wood stash and he always thought I was getting the jobs he should have. Any way were are friends nowdays and we manage to insult eachouther when ever we meet. I have been here on Kauai since January 5 ,1971. Was really a different place then . Even Ambrose has never been to my shop!! I never come out except when the ocean conditions are right . If we gett 30 days of kite surfing days in a row I will be out 30 days. Was the same with windsurfing and surfing . Used to surf hanalei side a lot.But haven’t been that side for years . It lost its magic with all the yuppies!!! God Hanalei was so magic back in those days!!! Aloha , Wood_Ogre

That is great information. Thankyou for the rundown!

“Any way were are friends nowdays and we manage to insult eachouther when ever we meet”



You don’t sound like an “ogre” to me ,

you sound more like

…an …



cheers !


Been watching a lot of the other threads and it seems like everyone is having trouble with Fish eye in their finishing. I started learning my woodworking and finishing at 14 years old from old guys that really knew their stuff. Learned how to make hide glue, Shellac, Dewaxed Shellac, Tack rags , Worked on a a spray paint production line and was a gun man on the line at 17. Never thought about fish eye much , never had it. Still isn’t a problem. I think we really need to look at what everyone is doing to see where the problem is. You can even do your finishing in a dusty room without getting fish eye if your prep is right. I have already picked up on some things that guys are doing wrong on their prep (simple things). Thats why it is nice to see pictures I often can pick out some problems. Something else to discuss. Aloha Wood_Ogre