
I just did the most hideous ugly monstrosity of an abstract. It’s done on 8oz Volan as an inlay on a very large board. The bottom and rails came out great as a solid opaque teal colour. It’s for a wonderful friend and now I can’t live with myself. Does anyone out there know a fix? Can I lay another layer of glass over top and opaque the Sh…t out of it? Any ideas would be helpful at this point

I just did the most hideous ugly monstrosity of an abstract. It’s done on > 8oz Volan as an inlay on a very large board. The bottom and rails came out > great as a solid opaque teal colour. It’s for a wonderful friend and now I > can’t live with myself. Does anyone out there know a fix? Can I lay > another layer of glass over top and opaque the Sh…t out of it? Any ideas > would be helpful at this point You can sand it down with some rough stuff and smooth it out with 220 grit. Then paint it with opaque acrylic any color you want to. Make sure the surface you paint is a perfect as you can get it. If you tape it off careful and pin line it you can do anythin you want under a layer of 2 or 4 oz cloth and a finish coat. Nobody will be the wiser except you and I and whoever else reads this post. Good Surfin’, Rich

You can sand it down with some rough stuff and smooth it out with 220 > grit. Then paint it with opaque acrylic any color you want to. Make sure > the surface you paint is a perfect as you can get it. If you tape it off > careful and pin line it you can do anythin you want under a layer of 2 or > 4 oz cloth and a finish coat. Nobody will be the wiser except you and I > and whoever else reads this post. But…I didn’t put any hot coat on it because it was supposed to come out real nice see, and I was going to put another eight over it. How can I sand the thing if I dont hot coat it first? I really don’t want to waste any more resin on it.

But…I didn’t put any hot coat on it because it was supposed to come out > real nice see, and I was going to put another eight over it. How can I > sand the thing if I dont hot coat it first? I really don’t want to waste > any more resin on it. Thin a little hot coat down with some styrene. I don’t know what else to tell you. Maybe somebody else can give you another idea.