High Gloss On Epoxy?

I’ve tried to stay current on the poly vs epoxy debates over the past year or so. As an old-schooler I am partial to the high gloss polish. The guy I use to glass my balsa boards has had great results on foam boards by glassing with epoxy, sanding the entire board with 60gt, then poly for the final coat to buff. Do you veterans feel there is any delam or bonding issues with this method? Thanks for any thoughts or suggestions for or against poly over epoxy?

When I actually finish my epoxy board I will coat it with Imron 5000. 100% gloss. the stuff looks liquid wet for 10+ years.


Wet sand the epoxy through the grades down to 400 grit then hit with mild cutting compound and a electric buffer.

It will stay shiny for years and if it gets a few scratches over time simply hit it with the buffer again.

I can’t belive the dramas guys go through to get a shiny finish with extra coats etc when its allready there staring you in the face

check the photos thats just every day west epoxy,the sanding and buffing took 2 hrs



When I actually finish my epoxy board I will coat it with Imron 5000. 100% gloss. the stuff looks liquid wet for 10+ years.

imron 5000??..polyurethane enamel???..on RR epoxy???..liquid finish!!!..tell me more!!!