hip replacement surgery - will I surf again??

Timely thread - another thanks, here.

Was fortunate to get a 'script for PT for hip impingement (same experience as you, Huck, first one hip, then as that improved the other began to show same issues more insistently). Wonder if you had the same experience as me in terms of discovering that a great majority of the people in the PT office were in there for hip issues, almost regardless of age, i.e. in the big, open therapy room most people were doing the same exercises I was.

On the choice of PT tip (dug it), I found the place I went to (“Precision” in SC) the staff were largely athletes themselves and that helped in terms of them treating me like one (I do “MMA” arts, also, and that is more important in terms of return to normal use than surfing is – when hip is bad, I have to pull myself up stairs with guard rails to leave the water, but I almost never feel the hips at all when actually surfing, unlike with knee and shoulder injuries). I had one or two sessions with the head guy, and the MO of the therapy biz was clearly an extension of his high-energy, type-A personality (competent type-A, not bullshitter type-A) leadership, so maybe that is another way to decide on which PT to use if no sports-medicine ones are at hand.

All organizations are top town, IMO. This is why the surf industry operates the way it does, for example.

Put an incompetent narcissist in charge of a company, every one below the top will start echoing her/his passive-aggressive abusive habits. Put a competent person with high standards in charge, the whole will expect of themselves to meet that standard. Attitudes and levels of self-expectation are contagious. If the person at the front desk doesn’t give a shit about you, in most cases you’ll discover this is an expression of the attitudes of the people above, and the people above those people.

Huck - completely related: you convinced me to pick up a balance board! :smiley:

There is quite a bit in what the Marinovich Brothers do in terms of mobility and nervous system training that dovetails with this. I would probably be much better off today if I had religiously practiced some of the therapeutic stuff I learned from them (in person) when they were at a martial arts gym I was at. They use balance disks, too, and one thing that I’m going to do, along with getting an “Indo” board, is get some PVC pipe lengths to do some of the Marinovich Bros method stuff. There is a bit about it in here: https://www.espn.com/espn/magazine/archives/news/story?page=magazine-20100405-article39 The pipes exercises are very cool for surfers aside from building a better foundation for the ankles, knees & hips – you can feel your feet beginning to function and “understand” differently after the first few times you use them, for example walking across uneven reefs. Our feet and toes can function much more like hands than we ask them to. Maybe one reason we get problems – other than just use and repetitive use – is that we don’t use our feet like they were designed to be used.

Javier please tell me more about the backside pop up

all the best