History of "Hawaiian Style" Surfboards

I recently bought a vintage 1980's "Hawaiian Style" surfboard and its the first one of those boards that I have come across. So I'm hoping someone can share a little history of the label with me. I looked on the inter net and couldn't find anything on there. I'd be interested to know who started the company and who the shapers were. A friend of mine in Hawaii, Tommy Tanaka, did tell me that he shaped for them and that they were bought out by Local Motion. One of the cool things about this board is that on the deck and bottom is a large lam that says "Honolulu Longboard Surfing Association" and I am also curious why this would be on the board. I did read a little history of the HLSA on the inter net and Tommy did tell me that his dad Ernie Tanaka was on the board of directors of the short lived association. The board is 7' 10" and is a tri fin and has a wooden tail block. Anyway, hope someone can shed a little more light on this really cool board. Mahalo, Bobby.[img_assist|nid=1063661|title=Hawaiian Style surfboard with Honolulu Longboard Surfing Association Lam|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0][img_assist|nid=1063662|title=Honolulu Longboard Surfing Association Lam|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0]