Hitatchi Planer Conversion to clark foam planer

Does anyone have a write up, or even better a diagram of what needs to be done to switch a planer to a clark foam planer. I have the clark foam planer and I have a basically brand new hitatchi i would like to convert. Does anyone know where I can get the parts to convert it over?


Austin S.


…Hey Austin, there arent any parts…all are “homemade” or hardware store parts…transformed.

…the handle is the same but chopped…

…the plate shoe was grinded…

…then they used epoxi to fill some gaps…

Austin, I bought a Harbor Freight Hitachi knock off for 39$, took the front shoe from a fried Hitachi and had another planer to knock down gluey stringers with. When it eventually cooks, toss it and keep the front shoe!

Thanks guys. Mainly what i am looking for is how to make the front knob a quater turn to full cut. Any ways to rig it? this will be my huge stringer planer, backup, or basically anything i dont wanna dull my good planer with planer. Thanks

Austin S.


No, the regular planer comes with a normal threaded post that requires several turns to go lock to lock. Clark has had an internal barrel machined with a high aspect ratio thread that easily goes from closed to open in a quarter turn

Hi jim in you video the big planner you use to knock off the crust where did you get it and can you still buy it?i really would like to find one.

…you mean the Hitachi F30, ive got one, there are off production several years ago…