Ho, you wan Beef???

Not sure what to make of this one. Maybe some of our Hawaiian affiliates have some more info on this one.



Why would they not pay Wildcards? Who works for nothing?  

and especially when every wave will be eternally used as a money making media montage for the promoters..

 If its true, its the thin edge of the wedge to start using surfers as unpaid labour.

C'mom guys, spill the beans!

Billabong execs don’t seem to fare well in HI…the year that Andy won his last title, one of them supposedly took a beating from Da Boyz  for not inviting them to Andy’s celebration party…after this latest pounding, wouldn’t be surprised if they make future trips to HI with a group of MMA for  bodyguards…

and not surprised Makua in the middle of it - a friend who lives in Bali states Makua is detested by the Balinese locals due to his arrogance on the beach and drop-ins in the lineup… when my son was down in Mainland Mex this past summer, Makua flew in for a big day and was constantly screaming and threatening the other surfers in the lineup …guess that pineapple didn’t fall far from the tree, considering his fathers conduct over the years…

 the self-proclaimed Crown Prince:


       Howzit Flatlands, OK I'm a little confused here. It starts out with 2 young local boys getting in a fight and I guess Makua got the bad end because the next thing is Dad and his boys and show up to clean up the mess,and then the Billabong big guys are getting some licks of their own. Then they make sure none of the wildcards (no aussies I guess) don't make the finals or semi finals(I didn't watch ) and Billabong holds the contest in iffy waves so they can get out of Dodge. Sounds like things got out of hand and and escalated to the Contest. I guess that Billabong doesn't know how to separate business from non-business.Sure is a good thing Billabong is not the sponser next year and I have a feeling a Hawaiian will win the whole thing next year fair and square. Sounds like the old days. Did anybody video the fight.Aloha,Kokua

Im confused as well. I just came across that blog and thought it amusing- only in the surf industry!


We need a sway eye-witness to step up and tell the real story. Don’t worry, there is a Swaylocks witness protection plan everybody! Better yet we need:

