....thanks for that , Royal / Rob Lion !
make yourself a set or two again , for sure !
Keels ARE a really good starting point / template , for converting to these fins , I find !
Having made a few keel sets in the past , and now I'm not riding "fishes" [ and I'm really not a big fan of keels , anyway !] ,
I have the 'raw materials' for some more 'hockey stick fins' , for sure !
by the way , Rob ... who are 'WJ' , and 'RP' ?
'Shushka' ...
hi mate , thanks for asking !
So, in answer to your question ...
here is the [slightly embarassing] foil shot , that I deliberately left out [....for that "e" word reason ... haha]
When my brother Simon / aka : 'Lazarus' [here on sways ] first saw photos of the templates [prior to holding the actual fin , while here] , his comment was [of course ! ] ...
"must be "fun" to foil , eh ?"
yeah , right ...
"fun" ?! ...haha
[ ...that would be 'fun' , as in 'interesting' [challenging] , rather than enjoyable ....or ...the "funny haha" , kind of fun[ny] . ]
I'm guessing that the foiling is maybe why a 'few' people don't do them ....
hopefully , I will also try a few different [ / ?'better'? ] foils on them , as well as , of course ....
different ...
sizes [already !]
shapes [already !]
rake [already !]
materials [already !]
thin / thicknesses [ these below are Josh / 'speedneedle's ones .... "very thin , and flexy " , he said]
For the next set ...
not having to deal with material inlay being exposed around the edges , and bases [and hence , sucking in water ?] , is why I want to do a few more resin tint , ? glo in the dark ? , and even ...clear [ " ??!! yeegaaaads , chip , ya gone 'conservative' there , fellah ?! " ] ones , some time in the future , too ....
But , that said about this previously pictured quad setup [in the Walden]...
... I have YET to try a matching [same-sized] back fin , for a THRUSTER setup , in my other [narrower-tailed ] boards . I wonder how THAT would go , for instance , in my 9'4 mal , during the coming summer ? [...soon find out , I guess , eh ?!]
okay ,
...to be continued.....
cheers !
" I am a FINSaholic "