Holeshot for the Spring Challenge 2015 ?

 For the Spring Challenge…   7’0 easter egg. Blending Curves “Egg C” template. 7’0 x 21.5

This is from my “warped stringer” post. 2# construction EPS. I followed the numbers for US Blanks 7’3A. The blank is super thick at 3.5" thick and I’m planning on 2.5-2.75" board so lots of work to do there.

As an inexperienced garage hack, I struggle thinning the nose and tail enough. Going to try to get “real thin-real soon” with this one.

I am also really slow at getting a project finished so gluing the blank and cutting the outline in one weekend was kinda strange. Gonna try to follow through and complete this in the timeline for the Spring Challenge!

Kinda cheated and did not make a proper template, just used the pages printed from Blending Curves. 

looking good. long way to go, but a clean, neutral design that will allow you to focus on your craftsmanship.

i like the truck more though, even if the color on the truck would look better on a surfboard. personal taste, no offense intended.

if you are NWFL based (which i seem to remember from another thread), where are you sourcing your 2 lb construction grade EPS? did you cut the blank or did your vendor wire to your provided stringer template or computer file?

thanks. i would have PM’d on this one, as i’m so reticent to post in fear of typical sways foolishness. still, i know you were hoping for at least a notice on your legitimate build thread, a thing of which sways needs more of. good start, and good on you for contributing to the substantive side of sways.

now i’ll get off the tracks before the train comes through.


ps…for some reason the editor is trying as hard as it can to garble this post in preview.  here’s hoping for readability.  my apologies in advance should my hopes fall short.


cbg… check for a PM.

Foam is coming from Pioneer Foam and Plastic in Pensacola…

The old Bronco belongs to a neighbor, I am installing a new wiring harness. I agree with you on the color, but apparently it’s the original color so makes sense to go with it. He is (kinda) restoring it pretty much original.

Weekend is almost here so hopefully progress on the board… but the winds are howling so maybe even some actual SURFING!