hollow board question

I am in the stage of drying glue on the bottom of my hollow board in process. I have a question about wood and laminating.

For the deck and bottom i actually got my hands on very thin oak Luan which had very nice grain seems perfect. My question is can i put a waterbase stain to bright the OAK, or will that inhibit the EPOXY bond to the wood.

I am using RR epoxy. Also what would the glassing schedual be. 1/4 laun pretty tough and durable, single 4 oz, 6oz, combo, of two.

I was think of a single 4oz, deck and 4oz for bottom with RR epoxy. is that to light???

thanks for the help

surfs up in jersey

I’m not the expert on epoxy resin, but resin itself tends to highlite the grains in the wood, and that also would be the best bond…light sanding, then good airblow


My question is can i put a waterbase stain to bright the OAK, or will that inhibit the EPOXY bond to the wood.

The epoxy will bond fine, just be sure the stain is plenty dry…


I was think of a single 4oz, deck and 4oz for bottom with RR epoxy. is that to light???

I think that would be ok…For myself I’d add a 4 oz. deck patch, call me old school…

Your progress is looking great…!!!..

Keep us posted…


Hey nice timber! I’ve used oak faced ply and sapele faced for my present, not staining and going to glass with poly resin which I’ve found to bond fine.

Keep us posted.

Jase (MMM)

Thanks for advice. I took your advice from an emial i snet you a awhile back and took a board i liked and drew out the dimensions from that. I am still contimplating the issue of possibly staining, I just picked up some woods today to make my tail, and nose blocks… i will keep you posted