I agree too. I have long marveled at Paul’s craftsmanship. The methods, though, have been familiar to me since building a cedar-strip on frame sea kayak more than 10 years ago. Plans for those have been available - both commercially & free - as well as complete cut build kits, for more than 30 years.
My buddy and I built a couple of hollow wooden boards, yes, they are rough, but they surf good. We felt inspired by PJ’s info and learned from what he posted. Yes, we learned from what he put out there. We have also changed things that worked for us better, and thought it would be cool to make some boards for friends and a few folks, thought maybe 5-6 boards per build would maybe put us at a level that we could justify the time and the expense of building them if we were to find a couple of buyers that would pay for doing something cool.
One can never be cool ignoring a mans humble accomplishments such as Paul’s. The guys drives 80 miles to surf at dawn by himself, builds his own boards in the highest order, and has 30 years of expert finish carpentry skills. 30 years of experience…
I get the stinking feeling “lordboots” have very little experience racked up. It shows thru the crystal clear intent that Jensen had, and still has for anyone to try to accomplish on their own.
I think anyone out there, or here, would scoff at the low grade attempt to ignore Paul’s original design, and refined practice.
Flattery is nice, but talking the marketing GOO while holding his creation in your hands really sucks. CNC that! Show him the Money!.
Aloha! That experience at the beach was an example of some junk style. Kind of a blatant burn, but more like a blabbering blurb at the time it happened. Sometimes, you need to really watch what you say (I mean- all the time). I’m sure that PJ must have been astounded by the spectacle. I think that it was a little more stylish that LB responded with his side of the story. Hurt feelings can take quite a while to heal, and that part is something that those guys need to work out between themselves. I worked with one of the world’s top designer/shapers for a long time. We evolved a process where I was basically the ‘rough shaper’. I would bust out insane stuff, and my friend would never have to strain himself screening the rails. So many times, I’d be in the shaping room with my friend, and the customer would be all " Oh____ _____, you are the best shaper in the world". My friend would be walking funny from all the kisses on his okole. We would be looking at each other in a kind of suspense, with him waiting for me to say something. I always managed to keep quiet in those situations, but it would get me kind of ‘irritated’. So, you know, it’s a life lesson to know when to speak, and when to keep quiet. Good luck to everyone, and to me too. Aloha…RH
Hey Dave
I have PM’d you with a proper response to this but thought it was only right to say openly that I owe you an appollogy for judging too quickly, guided only by my own personal loathing for all things capitalist and the huge respect for what Paul had done, not only the building of incedible boards but his generosity and lack of regard for financial gain from this (that rocks in my book).
Suffice to say that things aint always what they seem.
Jase (MMM)
Jase, et al:
I’m Dave’s Gallardo board-building business partner. This whole series of events has been really unfortunate. I’m still not precisely sure what Mr. Jenson is upset about. In the same way that Paul cannot control what people do with the information that he gives away for free on the Internet, I cannot control his feelings regarding our actions. Our intentions were never meant to slight, slander, defraud, or harm Mr. Jenson in any way. We want to build some boards and sell some to our friends. If we can find a larger revenue stream, that’s great. The real barrier to creating a revenue stream is not the design of hollow surfboards; it’s developing a manufacturing process, acquiring shop space, $20K in tooling, a marketing budget, etc. So whatever information PJ feels we’ve misappropriated, it really has nothing to do with our potential commercial venture. Thank you all for your support. I’ll shut up now.
Nice fish skeleton…now where have I seen this before…
Tatoo shops? A tattoo artist drew it for me…
Nice fish skeleton…now where have I seen this before…
creating a revenue stream
sounds more like a letter from a lawyer.
Loosen up man, learn to relax, learn to express yourself, be more open and say what you really think.
I found an add in the back of Wooden Boat Magazine in 1999 for hollow wooden boards from a guy in Maui (forgot his name, maybe all the wood dust). The instructions were rough, and so was my first board. I’ve since made about 25, and have refined the process throughout. I’ve even sold about 1/2 dozen, all customs. PJ has a great site, although he goes about it differently than I do. Not sure what the thrust of the thread is about, but if PJ wants a commission, don’t show the plans on the internet!! My dad’s a patent attorney, this is not something you can reasonably patent. Any small change from the original constitutes new (intellectual) property. Have fun making them, surfing them, showing them, whatever, and if you sell one, GREAT!! more money for good wood, epoxy, etc…
Everyone chill out and have a good surf at your favorite secret spot. You’ll feel better.
Ben Rasmussen
like all gifts, you don’t have control over the gift once it has left your possession. That is not always an easy pill to swallow. And it is clear by your post, that you would now like some control over how others use your knowledge (i.e. not for profit unless you get a cut.)
The famous car manufacturer Roles Royce get around this by making all of their customers sign a contract that includes clauses covering the appearence of the car being kept spotless, no modifications to body or engine, no mods to interior. It also states that the car must not be sold other than back to RR for a period of 5 years. Most people buy the car on a lease plan through RR and RR reserve the right to take the car back if the contract is not met. Seems extreme but that is how they protect the prestige of their brand. Even with these extreme measures one can get around it by buying one second hand but it will be 5 years old… rif.
Hi Woodboardguy -
I think I have some old photos sent to me by a guy in Hawaii named David Tettleton(?)
He’s been doing hollow wooden boards for some time.
Maybe that’s the guy?
Another guy here in Central California named Dirk Langer has been doing them for awhile as well. I think he started as a kid in a 1961 woodshop class. He now does some really nice Tom Blake style hollow boards in the various traditional designs.
David’s boards were/are more like Paul’s. Dirk’s boards are more in line with the old school hollows.
Paul was super generous in posting his methods on his website. It’s too bad things weren’t accepted in the spirit that Paul intended. His motives were not profit driven. He meant only to share how it was done and I know he has provided countless hours of personal guidance for many via email. I’ve seen many of the project photos people have sent him - all with sincere “thank yous” included.
His recent trip to Ireland to teach a class on the subject pretty much spells out where his heart is on this. To see the faces on the students and the project they created is priceless. Each one of those students will carry that knowledge for life.
He probably would not have been asked to teach the class if he had not put his stuff out there for so many to appreciate.
Paul is now realizing the “profits” of his generosity… it has nothing to do with money and could not have been purchased at any price.
Not sure what the thrust of the thread is about, but if PJ wants a commission, don’t show the plans on the internet!! My dad’s a patent attorney, this is not something you can reasonably patent. Any small change from the original constitutes new (intellectual) property. Have fun making them, surfing them, showing them, whatever, and if you sell one, GREAT!! more money for good wood, epoxy, etc…
I missed this entire thread when it was new, and now have spent more time that I would like deciding if I should even add to it.
I can tell you what this thread is about: Bad manners. Self-centered, inconsiderate people. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean it’s right. And to hawk it right in front of someone who made it possible is rude beyond belief…I’m not a violent person but something like that would probably set me off.
Paul isn’t hard to get in touch with. The right thing to do would have been to contact him and discuss plans to make a commercial enterprise, even if just as a courtesy. Issues of compensation are different…but I think his track record makes it pretty clear Paul didn’t do any of this for money.
i missed this tread too, but if there is one thing i truly hate is when a good person gets taking advantage of.
paul your boards have made me want to build a hws for some time its to bad that you were used like that
- logan
This post is ancient history…
Life is beautiful…
Don’t those roses smell wonderful…
Go surf…!!!..
I agree. Paul has put some really good and contributions into the hollow wooden surfboard world. I personally feel that there should be more hollow creators out there, but there will never be enough talented to create a competition. Styles are so diverse. Paul has become irritated by those using his techniques to make money on boards, it would seem. I say, thanks for your contribution Paul. Sell your techniques for that $100, but as far as I’m concerned. That $100 just sold your rights.