HollowBoard Template Maker

Hi guys,

I made a little plug-in for Aku Shaper.

The tool can produce a ready to print template for hollow board purpose.

It can be download here: http://jedail.free.fr/programs/HBTM.jnlp

Basically, after designing your board with Aku Shaper, create all the slices needed for your hollow board, launch my app, open your .brd file, play with parameters depending of what you’re looking for and generate your template. The tool will create a PDF with outline, profile and frames .

Known limitations :

  • Offsetting a curve is a complex problem. The approximation method I used can produce some strange/mistake behaviors. This is especially true on curves with hard edge or with curvature smaller than skin thickness.

  • Frame position on keel have to be a multiple of 10cm.


PS : My tool make reference to Aku Shaper and will download its latest version on your computer. If you prefer to stay with the old APS3000 version, don’t use my tool.

cool, do you think you could make one to work with the older APS 3000 software?


Technically, I could, but … i’ll have to host and distribute the older APS3000 version, and I don’t know if can do this.

Perhaps one of the APS3000 author can clarify this point :slight_smile:

This tool is awsome!!!


Thanks a lot, first back yarder is ready for take offf

Thank you very much for this. Sharing is the way.

The tool sometimes makes those funny curves improperly. In your board it’s around the hole cut outs. I figured you can prevent it by changing the shape but in the end I just preferred shape3D’s template maker or boardCad.

The program is a bit of a security risk so better to run it on a less important computer if you have the option.

Hey JedAil, thanks for this plug-in. I designed my first board on BoardCad and then used HBTM on a pc to export the pdf files. Worked good. That was a year ago - but now when I try to run it, it says it’s unable to launch the application. I’ve taken some screen shots of the details page. If you have time, would you be able to help me get it running again? Many thanks.

Anyone knows how to get jedail HBTM working on PC? I read that I might need a older version of Java, but anyone knows wich one?