I’m so stoked…!!!.. After a lot of learning and some help from Mike Paler, I’m pleased to present my website…Click the link below… Let me know what you think… Paul http://www.hollowsurfboards.com/Index.htm
I’m so stoked…!!!..>>> After a lot of learning and some help from Mike Paler, I’m pleased to > present my website…Click the link below…>>> Let me know what you think…>>> Paul Paul. Many web sites confuse clever graphics for content. It is a pleasure to find a site that offers solid content and clean visuals. I have added the site to my list of favorites. The only difficulty I had was switching between pages. I had to return to the home page to open another page. This may be my computer and not the site. Thank you for posting the how to page. It is nice to see a shaper/artist with enough confidence to talk about process. The boards are works of art. Patrick Shannon
Hey Paul, Just report some broken link… Have to remove the hardcode of the below links : Surfboard Fins Howto Links Feedback These links now refer to your computer but not the URL, therefore, cant access to these pages. Regards, CrabieHK > I’m so stoked…!!!..>>> After a lot of learning and some help from Mike Paler, I’m pleased to > present my website…Click the link below…>>> Let me know what you think…>>> Paul
The only difficulty I had was switching between pages. I had to return to > the home page to open another page. This may be my computer and not the > site. …I’m new to this website buiding stuff(It would be easier to learn to shape with my feet)… …I’m working on a couple of ‘computer code’ issues, the links are one of them… …For now, to access the links, return to the home page and click there… Paul http://www.hollowsurfboards.com/Index.htm
Hey Paul, The “LinK” still point to the path of your comp. Pls. correct it. Regards, Crabie > …I’m new to this website buiding stuff(It would be easier to learn to > shape with my feet)…>>> …I’m working on a couple of ‘computer code’ issues, the links are one of > them…>>> …For now, to access the links, return to the home page and click > there…>>> Paul
So to the “Feedback” button. Regards, Crabie > Hey Paul,>>> The “LinK” still point to the path of your comp. Pls. correct > it.>>> Regards,>>> Crabie
I’m so stoked…!!!..>>> After a lot of learning and some help from Mike Paler, I’m pleased to > present my website…Click the link below…>>> Let me know what you think…>>> Paul Good for you. The woodwork looks very nice. I see a toy in my future.
I’m so stoked…!!!.. Outstanding product and good looking website. I’ve been impressed with your work since you posted the first fins… Your site is now in my Favorites. Magoo>>> After a lot of learning and some help from Mike Paler, I’m pleased to > present my website…Click the link below…>>> Let me know what you think…>>> Paul
Thanks to Mr. Tom Sterne, the links now work… Now… To get the thumbnails right…Grrrr… …“I must think good thoughts”… Paul http://www.hollowsurfboards.com/