home made quiver

I’ve been meaning to put them all in one shot for awhile, finally got around to it this morning.  Then after I took it down I realized there was one left out - oh well.

Hello Huck; would be good if you do a detailed surfing feedback of each one regarding similar surf condition for the range of boards that are intended for similar style of performance



Is the wonky one missing?( Or is it the big one on the ground)

PS : I really like the center wood one and the one on the left

Reverb - that sounds like a lot of work, and I’m pretty sure mostly no one gives a flying fork about my swansong productions for the aging surfer, pretty standard fare longboards and midlengths, but with a little variation in the volume for easier paddling, especially when I was heavier, I’ve had to drop some weight cuz of health issues. Tom - the one I left out was my first home built board! How could I forget that one??? The wood one in the middle needs rebuilding and the blue one to its left is my go-to daily driver anymore, I’m thinking of shaping a new version that would be lighter and just a little longer. I clearly don’t need more surfboards, but I do have a desire to build a few more. Maybe time to sell off a few, which I hate to do cuz I could never get anywhere near what they have been worth to me.

Huck, my sentiments too. I have way too many, but can’t let go.

all the best

As someone who also has a own built quiver This is really kool!

The grey single on the floor looks rather appealing. 


Do you have a favourite?

Perhaps there should be a “look at my home built quiver” sticky thread! 

They’re  like kids.  You just can’t kick 'em out.  When you got into foam you shaped more boards.  Less time involved than with the wooden boards.  You could do four or five foam boards in the time it takes the average backyard builder to do one Wooden board.  Since you are primarily shaping for yourself, you wind up with a backyard full.  

I think I only have 3 of mine left. Two of mine went to friends as gifts and two were painfully sold as wall art. I’ll try to snap a picture of my three when it’s light out. 

I think the best part about home building is the cost. My wife would kill me if I was dropping $500-$1000 for a new board every year, but if I spend that much on materials and tools over the year she doesn’t seem to notice. The satisfaction of surfing something you built is cool too.

Figured somebody would have bought the “Beachcomber Bar & Grill” off of you by now.  Some of the Art boards that you have done in the past are so unique I figured some of those Malibu/Topango guys would have started a bidding war in the parking lot.

These pics are pretty old.  Guessing 10 years old because it was right when I switched logos.



Hello Huck; do not know why? If you still in the water (not my case sadly) and you have the boards; why not to use it in similar conditions then proceed with the feedback. You need more than one day of Surfing to splash some opinion but

Reverb - I have a thread on my design philosophy in the errors & bugs folder. It is titled “the old man and the sea”. You are welcome to join the conversation there, and I will attempt to follow up with some ride report commentary on my individual shapes.



… GREAT idea , yes , PLEASE !!



2007 , apparently ?


 I  now have NONE  of these , having moved some 3000 miles east of where this shot was taken …


maybe when I have finished the four I have in various stages of building , I can post a shot or two of my current , work in progress  , ‘east coast’ [ AUSTRALIA ,  that is ! ]  'homemade quiver ’ ?


 cheers !

