well iv only just bought a twinny on ebay for $50 its in a bit of a shokin state but im takin it on as my first home project here are some photos let me know what you think and what would be the best way to fixit up thanks
and some more photos
dude… seriously.
Hi Hooper.
I’ve seen worse go through.
Depends on how much work and money you want to put into.
a fullon restor would involve stripping the old glass off, taking out and replassing rotten foam and re-glassing.
Or taking a grinder to it to get rid of the rotten foam build back up with resinmixed with miroballons and then glassing over the top, adds a bit ot wait.
If theres no delams or soft spots just fix all the dings, and go surf it.
by the way any wobble on the fin, the foam looks a bit brown.
try a search for restorations, Loads of stuff on repairs in the archievs.
enjoy and post some more pics as you go.