ok i started: paraffin 60% + microcell wax 40% + vaseline (a bit) … results: hmmm…

then i tried with beewax but how could i substitute the other ingredients with organic ones???

please let me know your wisdom.

Ho, evilkid - got some info on this one too. :wink: Do a search for “beeswax”. You’ll hit a thread on beeswax from several weeks ago. Doc and I drifted way off beeswax towards the end, but the info you want is at the beginning anyway. Roy Stewart actually makes an organic beeswax surfwax. He sells it through his website (www.woodensurfboardbuilder.com) but he was also kind enough to give a recipe. I haven’t had the chance to try it yet myself, but plan to in the near future. I keep bees and have access to the wax, and also currently have 1/2 a dozen coconuts in the back of my truck, ready to extract oil from… Just been too busy to complete the project yet. As Doc says at the end of his posts: Hope that’s some use…


i’m tryin something organic, but what can i try instead of microcell wax?

Hmmm… Well I’m not really sure what microcell wax is…

My first question - are you really set on “organic” as per the technical specification? If not, that might make things a bit easier. Looking at your previous formula, just changing the microcell wax isn’t going to give you “organic”. Both paraffin and vaseline are processed petroleum products. Gotta be honest with ya, Roy’s recipe looks really pretty simple and is relatively toxin free. I say ‘relatively’, as finding a source of “organic” beeswax might be a bit of work. The organic coconut oil is a bit easier to come by. Minimal ingredients, no toxic stuff. Not bad.

You can try a bit of searching in the archives to see what others have said about making wax. As I recall, not many of them used “organic” components though. I’m guessing I’m the only one replying to you on this topic as it was beaten to death relatively recently (couple of months ago?).

Good luck, and let me know how it goes…

a hui ho




[ 3]ok i started: paraffin 60% + microcell wax 40% + vaseline (a bit) … results: hmmm…

then i tried with beewax but how could i substitute the other ingredients with organic ones???

please let me know your wisdom[/]


i’m tryin these: beewax 70 + bronze fusion wax 30 + a spit of hemp oil…

I have got two excellent beeswax based recipes which I have been using for more than six years if you are interested. Your recipe sounds like it will make a very hard wax. Happy alchemy to you anyway!