Hooktailed Longboard for noseriding?

Has anyone heard of this design for noseriding? There is a 9’0" longboard w/ this tail and the guy says it’s made for noseriding. Here is an enclosed picture. Thanks in advance guys.

I think the theory behind that tail is that the the water flowing in between and into the v shaped concave will help hold the tail down, pushing the nose higher.

the “V” or hooktail at the tail of the board allows the water to push down and anchor the tail while your on the nose, causing the nose to not dropl

So does this technique actually work, or is it more of a gimmick? I’ve never seen this before, but want a board to learn how to noseride and all that stuff on. I’m short on cash b/c I just picked up a CI MSF but this one has become available used and at a not so bad price.

the scooped tail is nothing new…this just looks like a more extreme tweak.

This has been the standard for the Surfboards Hawaii Noserider for 30 years. The rolled tail, plus the dish make for a good noseriding combo, but how about throwing skill into the mixture too?

Bud Gardner (spelling?) out of Melbourne Florida has been making tails like that for awhile.

it is on my friends Bing silver spoon, not that extreme but it is there


This has been the standard for the Surfboards Hawaii Noserider for 30 years. The rolled tail, plus the dish make for a good noseriding combo, but how about throwing skill into the mixture too?

my theo take is…

the convex of the bottom

generates the surface tension suck

that holds the tail to the water

to enhance the tail holding,stall ,

necessary for efickent nose perching

the concave deck as dr jim has mentioned

has been aligned with the noserider from surfboards Hawaii

John Price?from way back

altho the UFO ,the Greek and others had their interpretations.

Lest we forget the Pen Pecketrator

ahh its fabulous rendition of the massive convexity

earth shaking as it may have beed was only a step in the tidal switch to the aft V as set forth by mc bob and the watch this club

from we’re leavin’ palm beach for noosa trend

ah but the world do go round and round

and the tails do morph

and when it’s all said

and we all done it

comin back in

after a couple

feels better

than anything…


a nice




We always called them UFO tails, after the Rick UFO model. http://cgi.ebay.com/1967-U-F-O-RICK-SURFBOARDS-LONGBOARD_W0QQitemZ170024038319QQcmdZViewItem -Carl

Got a Vee like that on my cooperfish and she rides like a dream

cheers Joe

Unlike an expert like Jim Phillips, I have no skill or talent for nose riding. After several years of “research” I found that a good blast of water against a shovel blade resulted in a great deal of downward pressure - think Tom Morey’s “Spoon under faucet” experiment.

My 150 lb Newfoundland Dog, Goomba (RIP) faithfully provided much “research material” for my experiments.

The result was satisfying and I actually hung ten once on the board designed around the concept. I called it “The Shit Shovel.”


Hmmm so do you guys think a 9’0" would be good for me to noseride on? I’m 5’8" 165lbs…sorry for the basic questions, I’m probably dumbing everyone down in here. I’m on a bunch of other forums and when I come on here and read some of the responses/theory/etc I’m blown away…or confused :slight_smile:

A 9’0" would probably be sufficient for your height and weight. Besides having a board that noserides well, like Jim mentioned, technique plays a huge part in perching up on the tip. Cross stepping, stalling, timing, etc. are the many things you need to know to master the art of the noseride. It can take time, but the rewards are oh so satisfying. Basically, a board with a fairly wide nose and a little kick in the tail, a good sized single fin will noseride decently, the rest is up to you.

Here’s a link I think might be helpful. http://www.noserider.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=28

how did that board ride in general…did it affect the turning alot, and how so?..trimming?..speed?

im incredibly intrigued…

I’m still far from proficient at the tip, but I will say that I think my noseriding progress was a bit impeded by my purchase of a model specific to noseriding. This board was a pretty unsubtle shape… Wide point forward, big fat nose, with a pretty deep concave… it would let you up there in the flats…

The sad part is that it took little or no balance to get up there and would let you get away with noseriding where it doesn’t really work out.

I got rid of that board and got a board not at all designed for noseriding. No concave, super foiled out, really, really narrow nose. The first few times I took it out I thought I’d never make it to the front-third again!

The result was great. The board forced me to step much more carefully, and I had to learn to crosstep without the sort of running-stumble I’d been doing in the past… Also, when you try to run up there before you’ve really stalled the tail into the wave… she let’s you know very, very quickly :slight_smile:

I’m better at the nose (better, but still suck!) in one summer on this board than I got in three on the last one.

Good luck finding what works for you.