Hope this touches you,as it did me.

I recieved this from a high school sweetheart.It said that I had a choice to make. Now it’s your turn. The story goes that some time ago a man punished his 5yr old daughter for wasting a roll of expensive gold wrapping paper.Money was tight,and he became even more upset when the child pasted the gold paper so as to decorate a box to put under the christmas tree. Nevertheless,the little girl brought the gift box to her father the next morning,and said,“This is for you,DADDY”.The father was embarrassed by his eariler overreaction,but his anger flared again when he found the box empty. He spoke to her in a harsh manner,“Don’t you know young lady,when you give someone a present there’s supposed to be something inside the package?” The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes,and said,“OH, daddy, it’s not empty,I blew kisses into it until it was full.” The father was crushed ,he fell to his knees,and put his arms around his little girl,and he begged her to forgive him him for his unnecessary anger. An unfortunate accident took the life of the child only a short time later,and it is told that the father kept that gold box by his bed for all the years of his life.And whenever he was discouraged or faced difficult problems,he would open the box,and take out an imaginary kiss,and remember the love of the child who had put it there. In a very real sense,each of us as human beings have been given a golden box filled with unconditional love,and kisses,from our family, friends, and God…There is no greater, precious possession anyone can hold. YOU NOW HAVE TWO CHOICES: you can: 1.Pass this on to someone… 2. Delete it,and act like it didn’t touch your heart. AS YOU SEE : I took number one Friends are like angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly…Herb…yes I had tears over this one.

Pretty touching Herb. I’ll pass it on.

Although I’ve heard this before it is still very touching. Many may not see this but, here is what it says to me. The child represents Christ. Many times we get upset and are quick to anger when we don’t understand what is happening in our own lives. We cry out God… Why? But what we fail to see is the plan that God has for our life. God causes all thing to work together for good. This is just what I took in this little lesson of love. God Bless Andy

Although I’ve heard this before it is still very touching. Many may not > see this but, here is what it says to me. The child represents Christ. > Many times we get upset and are quick to anger when we don’t understand > what is happening in our own lives. We cry out God… Why? But what we > fail to see is the plan that God has for our life. God causes all thing to > work together for good. This is just what I took in this little lesson of > love. God Bless Andy Herb, Touching yes. I lost a cousin to a drowning accident in 1973. My uncle who past away October 2001, never got over the lost of his son. Obviously, that stayed with me throughout my life also. We have 2 daughters, Krista 29,yesterday & Kerri 23. When we see each other, which is almost everyday. We hug and kiss upon arrival and when they are ready to leave, we hug and kiss as though we were going on an extended trip. How could I leave this out and it’s alway’s a I Love You. Peace and God Bless. Fred

Herb,>>> Touching yes. I lost a cousin to a drowning accident in 1973. My uncle who > past away October 2001, never got over the lost of his son. Obviously, > that stayed with me throughout my life also. We have 2 daughters, Krista > 29,yesterday & Kerri 23. When we see each other, which is almost > everyday. We hug and kiss upon arrival and when they are ready to leave, > we hug and kiss as though we were going on an extended trip. How could I > leave this out and it’s alway’s a I Love You. Peace and God Bless.>>> Fred PUKE

PUKE Original Tim, You need to change your name to “Original A$$HOLE”

tim,go sit under a tree for a long period of time.

PUKE DEAR MR.PUKE: ISNT IT TIME TO STOP THE NEGATIVITY AND BE HONEST??? as i was passing time at work between my scheduled breaks, checking around for daily nuggets of surfboard design info, i came across herbs touching message of unconditional love and hope, unexpectedly sobbing and crying my eyes out- i dont know why, but i just couldnt stop it for over six hours, which finally got me fired-(i just think they were looking for any excuse)- you see, since i started reading this design forum, its become next to impossible not to share with everyone my true feelings about who i really am in my ex-workplace because i (at least i used to be) employed as a salesman in a local lumberyard. anyhoo- even though Im currently jobless, i tell all my friends thats just because of this websites most charismatic guru (I STILL LOVE YOU MR. HERB!!), swaylocks.com has become the no. 1 place for me to get the very finest in sensitive emotional reassurance and inspiration- (since i got fired, i`ve decided to come all the way out!) and innovative surfboard design tips, too! so there guys! HONK if you feel like i do!!