hot coat application

Ok silly question, How do you apply hot coat. with brush squeege bare hands, the hide of a small rodant. all help greatfully recieved

tape the rail, brush it on, let it kick, pull the tape, flip it, brush the other side, voila.

thank you, just 1 more thing, does the resin coat below have to be perfectly smooth and sanded? and could you clarify “tape the rail” sorry.

sanding is done on the hotcoat (also called the sandcoat, for this reason). the lam coat should not be sanded, however many people like to grind down the lap lines. when hotcoating, i run a line of masking tape along the rail that hangs down off the edge so that i don’t wind up with an extra-thick hotcoat over the rails. it keeps things neat and clean. any questions, just ask…there’s lotsa people around here that know a heck of a lot more than me.

you my friend are brilliant