Hot coat dry spots

First time shaper, first time poster so be gentle!

I’ve just hot coated, and there are a few dry spots (mostly on rails). What’s the best way to deal with this - I was thinking of just taping off the affected areas and mixing some more hot coat and patching them.

Grateful for some advice!


Gentle?!? Abandon hope all Ye who enter muwahahaha…

Welcome aboard. If you can post a pic that would help. Also, which resin are you using? How long has it been since the original hot coat ? Have you done any sanding to said hot coat?



It’s poly resin, it’s been a few days since the original coat so it has well and truly kicked. Haven’t sanded yet!


I’m curious what is meant by dry spots…  I’ve had hot coat that ran off where my grubby paws left oily fingerprints.  If that’s the case, I’d lightly sand and re hotcoat those areas only.  When sanding it’s likely that everything will blend in OK. 

If the cloth itself was left too dry during lamination process, it’s a different story and will be tougher to fix.

Yeah, it was just patches where the hotcoat didn’t sit or didn’t reach as the result of a rookie tape job. 

In the end I just shuttered up these areas with tape and card and re hot coated them. Seems to have worked fine, nothing a bit of sandpaper won’t fix!
