Hot Coat troubles

I use a brush to apply my hot coat. After it has been applied, but before it starts to gel, my hot coat begins to bead up and refuses to lay flat. Anyone know whats going on?

I use a brush to apply my hot coat. After it has been applied, but before > it starts to gel, my hot coat begins to bead up and refuses to lay flat. > Anyone know whats going on?>>>>>>>>My bet is to much air turbulence.The air should be dead calm when coating.Herb

I use a brush to apply my hot coat. After it has been applied, but before > it starts to gel, my hot coat begins to bead up and refuses to lay flat. > Anyone know whats going on? Well. 1. Did you paint your board with anything other that water and paint. Most spray paints have tolulene and acetone. These may be good for washing your hands, but the surfboard doesn’t like this too much.2. What is the humidity where you live? If you hotcoat in anything over 10-20% humidity with higher than say 80 tops, than your asking for trouble. 3. You may easily be putting too much mek in you resin, hot doesn’t mean melt. I hope this helps. Good luck. johnny

I use a brush to apply my hot coat. After it has been applied, but before > it starts to gel, my hot coat begins to bead up and refuses to lay flat. > Anyone know whats going on?>>>>>>>>My bet is to much air turbulence.The air should be dead calm when coating.Herb It was extremely windy both times that this occured while hot coating (I work in my car port). So how does the wind effect the hot coat?

it’s like what happens in the ocean. you got 3mm wind chop!>>> It was extremely windy both times that this occured while hot coating (I > work in my car port). So how does the wind effect the hot coat?